Wednesday, August 24, 2011

That's the One I Want!

For more wordless photos,


  1. That's strange... my wife says almost the exact same thing. I wonder if it is something in the water? ;-)

    Happy WW!


  2. I think I would want that too.... Thanks for the hop :))

  3. Oh yes, I'll take two of those please.

  4. Love the picture. Beautiful display, case, and jewelry.

  5. lol, I hope you get it! Thanks for stopping by KreativeKaring for Wordless Wednesday! :) She hasn't used the picture as her profile pic but you're right, it would look cool. I think I am planning on offering to make them for people for like $5. It would be nice to have an income again and it would be cool to hook people up with neat profile pictures or framed photos. :)
    Hope you visit again soon!


  6. Would "the one" be a ring, or the entire case :)


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