I have read Moby Dick.
Done. Finished. Wow. What a story. I spent all of August aboard the Pequod, but I finally reached the last three chapters where most of the real story takes place, and finished Moby Dick.
Here's my final Moby Dick post: Moby Dick: What I Am Taking Away from Reading This Book.
Other than Moby Dick, it was a Spanish-themed picture book (did you know that I can read in Spanish?) week for me, just the sort of reading I love. I read five great picture books, all with Spanish themes. ¡Más libros ilustrados en español, por favor!
For my complete reviews, click the links below:
I'm reading Utah while I travel.
The Cybils are coming. It is time to seek judges for the 2019 Children's and Young Adult Bloggers' Literary Awards. Do you love to read and review children's books or young adult books? I hope you will apply to be a Cybils judge here. (Note: We always have a particularly difficult time finding judges for elementary/middle grade nonfiction, junior high/senior high nonfiction, and poetry.)
Hmmm...this sounds like a job for me: Gwyneth Paltrow's Professional Book Curator. Anyone else need a book curator?
I'm off for a week of hiking and other adventures in Utah. I am supposed to have an Internet connection, but one never knows when one heads out west. Hopefully, all will go well here on Sunday Salon while I am gone.
How was your week?
Did you read any good books? Please share them with us.
What other bookish things did you do? What else is going on in your life?
I'd love to have you to link up here and/or at the Sunday Salon page on Facebook each weekend (Saturday-Sunday-Monday) and let us know what you have been doing. I hope you will visit other blogs and join in the conversations going on there.
If you have other blogging friends, it would be wonderful if you'd tell others about our salon and encourage them to join us.
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