Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Top Ten Most Vivid Settings In Books

This book is all about the setting,
with danger in everything,
even the smallest particles.

Buddha in the Attic
America in the time leading up to and during WWII,
America afraid.

Another Murakami world
of secrets and mysteries,
where nothing is certain.

The Yearling
I never knew what Florida Crackers were
until I read this book.
Think Florida Crackers = Early Wal-Mart People.

Game of Thrones
If you are a woman and you've ever been talked into playing Risk
with a bunch of men,
and you ended up running away from the table, in tears...
well, that's basically this book,
only you won't just leave the table in tears.

It's inevitable, we know,
but it hurts anyway.

Paris to the Moon
It's Paris.
It's the most vivid spot on earth.
It's the book that makes me think of moving there every day.

Watership Down
I was a rabbit, living among rabbits,
for days as I read this book.

Children on the Oregon Trail
No water. Hunting for food.
Cold. Seven children,
one an infant, headed for Oregon.
In winter. Alone.

New Orleans after Katrina.

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!

Each week we will post a new Top Ten list that one of our bloggers here at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join. All we ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND add your name to the Linky widget so that everyone can check out other bloggers lists! If you don't have a blog, just post your answers as a comment. Have fun with it! It's a fun way to get to know your fellow bloggers.


  1. Oh, The Yearling definitely one of most memorable and vivid settings ever. I have yet to check out the other books. Here is my list.

  2. Zeitoun is a great choice, and one of my favorite books. I was also thinking about Murakami worlds when I was making this list.

    1. The setting of Zeitoun is a familiar setting for me, having experienced a couple of miserable hurricanes first hand.

  3. Wonderful list! I too have Murakami in my list!

    Here is my Top Ten post!

  4. I'm looking forward to rereading the Adams book with our online 1001 Children's Books group at Yahoo.

  5. I considered Watership Down, but it's been sooo long since I've read the book, I couldn't really remember anything other than a bit about the burrows...

    I haven't read most of the books on your list, but I definitely have a few of them on my "want to read" list! It makes me feel glad when I keep seeing some of my "want to reads" show up on a lot of these lists, because it means I won't be disappointed when I finally do get to read them!

  6. I agree. When you see the same book on must-read lists, over and over, you know it's something you need to read.

  7. Great list! I haven't heard of alot of them- I'll have to check those books out. Thanks for stopping by my blog and saying hello. =)
    ~Shelby @ Gobs and Gobs of Books

  8. And thank you for stopping by and saying hello!

  9. I loved your description of A Game of Thrones. Very well put! I'm not familiar with most of the other books. I mean I've heard of them but haven't read them.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

  10. Great list! I forgot about Watership Down, that takes me back. :) Paris to the Moon sounds wonderful!

    1. Paris to the Moon. My first book love affair with Paris.

  11. Don't think my comment posted, so trying again. Hopefully I'm not creating a duplicate. Watership Down is a great choice! And I'm quite enamored of Paris; I want to read Paris to the Moon.

  12. Great picks. New Follower. Will have to check these out. Thanks for visiting My TTT

  13. I haven't read any of these, I'm afraid, but there's a few I can't wait to try - Buddha in the Attic, Paris to the Moon, and Zeitoun. Great list!

  14. What an amazing list!

    So many fantastic picks i forgot about :-)

    Thanks for stopping by my page!


  15. We both included Westeros in our list :). I've wanted to read The Buddha in the Attic for a while now. I've heard good things about it. I like the fact that you included 1Q84 as well! I haven't read that one yet either,but I plan to get to it! I'm definitely going to have to check out the books you've mentioned in your list! Thank you for stopping by my blog!

    1. Had to look up "Westeros"...yes, of course, site of Game of Thrones!

  16. I haven't read any of the books on your list so I can't comment on their worlds, but I love that description of Game of Thrones!

    1. Oddly, though I run away from the table, I always come back to play again. I could not begin to understand that.

  17. Watership Down!! How could I have forgotten that book?! I love that book! And it is such a beautiful, vivid world. Love it. GREAT pick!

    1. My online group is getting ready to read it together. It will be the first time I've reread it in thirty years.

  18. Cool books!! I like your list a lot! Some of them I haven't read or even heard of but am checking them out on goodreads as I type this... thanks :)


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