Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Top Ten Words I Love

Top Ten Words I Love

10. Serendipity
Life is play.

9. Paradox
All deep truth is paradoxical.
No one knows why.

8. Quirky
My real friends call me this,
not the harsher "crazy".

7. J'aime
In French, this is pronounced "jim" and means "I love".
My husband's name is Jim.
It is fun to say, "J'aime Jim." 

6. Zephyr
I like "z" words.

5. Whimsy
I wish we had more of this in life.
I wish we had more of this in algebra.

4. Czechoslovakia
I planned to name my two children
this and "Yugoslavia."
Sadly, I grew up
and named them Jon and Ben.

3. Maranatha
The beautiful word I use in silent prayer.
It means, "Come, Lord Jesus."

2. Books

1. Yes
Studies show that just hearing the word "yes"
makes people happy.

What are words you love? 
Please share them with me.

Reposted from September 7, 2010.

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!

Each week we will post a new Top Ten list that one of our bloggers here at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join. All we ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND add your name to the Linky widget so that everyone can check out other bloggers lists! If you don't have a blog, just post your answers as a comment. Have fun with it! It's a fun way to get to know your fellow bloggers.


  1. These are such awesome words! I love Whimsy, Books, Paradox and Serendipity! One of my favourite words is Silvicultrix- it means to live in a forest; my aspiration.

    Happy Top Ten- wonderful list!

    1. Oh! That's new-to-me. I grew up in the forest. Am I a Silvicultrix-ess, then? :-)

    2. I think you qualify perfectly! (:

  2. What a great little post! I like a lot of the same words that you do, it seems. Whimsy is one of my favorites! And yes, of course. ;)

    Thanks for sharing your TTT list!

  3. Cooool! I've never thought of having favorite words... I'll have to think a little! Hilarious that you wanted to call your son Czechoslovakia though, what a cute little quirk (see what I did there?).
    Maranatha is definitely a beautiful word.

  4. Really nice list! I think my faves from the ones you mentioned are Serendipity and Czechoslovakia - not naming my kids that though :-)

    1. There is everything to love about Serendipity. Beautiful meaning. Beautiful sounds.

  5. I've never really thought of favorite words, though I like whimsy! :)
    Thanks for stopping by and I hope you do get to read Jellicoe Road asap. ;)

    1. I think about favorite words every day. Just quirky that way.

  6. Great list, I love the word quirky and use it quite a bit!

  7. We like some of the same words! Some of my favorites: Zapphora (maybe I'll name my imaginary child that), linger, quirky, and concise.

  8. Ooh Zephyr! Nice one! I like anemone...

    1. I am jealous of a friend who actually lives on Zephyr Street.

  9. What a lovely list. I am partial to the word lovely. I also like whirlygig.

  10. Great list! Quirky would be in my top ten.

    1. Perhaps there is a vein of quirkiness flowing through all readers.

  11. Heehee. Czechoslovakia! Indubitably!

    My TTT: http://shelversanon.blogspot.com/2012/10/top-10-tuesday-rewind-top-ten-bookish.html

  12. Ah. Mumchance. Let me use that in a sentence: "My husband often wishes I were mumchance." :-)

  13. What a great topic! I never would have thought of favourite words!
    I would have to go with Oxymoron as one of mine :)

  14. I love that you were going to call your kids Czechoslovakia and Yugolavia!!! Thanks for stopping by my blog :)


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