Sunday, January 31, 2010

1001 Children's Books to Read Before...

...1001 Children's Books to Read Before You Grow Up. Whew! I've got lots of time then.

I'm quite determined to read all 1001. And reading through this book gave me a great idea for my Hundred Day t-shirt for next week's celebration of the 100th day of school. I spent hours (many, many hours, to tell true) finding books on the list that we have in the library...copying...pasting...flipping...printing...ironing....

And so, this shirt:

This week and last week's reads, with short reviews.


  1. I love the shirt! You had a great reading week. I read Committed two weeks ago and loved it. Have a great week!

  2. Ah, I see many I'd like to read, too. Thanks.

  3. The shirt is definitely fantastic :-) Mags is in 5th grade, so they've long since stopped celebrating the 100th day of school, but I remember in Kindergarten and first grade, and maybe a little in second even, it was a huge deal with a whole fun event in the gym with book-related games and activities. Now it's all math and spelling and seriousness. And they wonder why kids hate school as they get older! More fun and games that trick them into learning, as well as fun teachers with outstanding outfits;-)

  4. Where's Spot is a classic, a classic I tell you!

  5. Fantastic shirt Debbie. I'm very excited at the inspiration from the 1001! Feel free to send a link to your post to the 1001 group if you would like to, I'm sure the members would love to see it. Impressive reading for the past few weeks there as well. I'm looking forward to When You Reach Me, I've heard lots of hype there too. It's not released here yet, so I still have some time to wait. And I really wish that I'd got to The Stone Angel.

  6. I spent most of the weekend making the shirt (shirts, for the library assistant, too!) so I'm quite happy to look at the photo of the completed product.

  7. Love the shirt and love that it has to be dress length to get all the books on it. ;-)

  8. Love the shirt! What a fun idea to read through the list of books. Would love to hear your thoughts on which books you'd recommend from the list if you wanted to shorten the reading project to only 50 or 100.

  9. I love the shirt! Great idea! I would love to know what the children's books are I should read. Especially picture books since that is my specialty. Brown Bear Brown Bear is one of my favorite books to read to my four-year-olds. Especially the ELL children. I want to read Committed, too!

  10. Love the t-shirt- and I love the idea of reading all these great kids' books! Good luck with it!


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