I have read all twenty Bluebonnet books. I always feel happy when I finish all twenty Bluebonnets.
Here's my take on them, along with a brief Good News/Bad News report on each. Note: I've listed them in the order in which I liked the books.
Here's my take on them, along with a brief Good News/Bad News report on each. Note: I've listed them in the order in which I liked the books.
Birdsall, Jeanne. The Penderwicks on Gardam Street. GN: Wonderful plot, a happy family for once. BN: Why aren't there any boys in the story?
Speck, Katie. Maybelle in the Soup. GN: Funny, short, and readable. BN: Can you love a roach as a main character?
Birney, Betty G. Surprises According to Humphrey. GN: Humphrey is every kid's dream friend. BN: Humphrey can be a little too good to be believed.
Stevens, Janet and Susan Stevens Crummel. Help Me, Mr. Mutt! GN: Hilarious plot with clever subplot. BN: Much of humor may be over kids' heads.
Nelson, Kadir. We Are the Ship: The Story of Negro League Baseball. GN: A story that has needed to be told; baseball; riveting tale. BN: Difficult text.
Holt, Kimberly Willis. Piper Reed: Navy Brat. GN: Great heroine; great family tale. BN: A bit girly. 
Spinelli, Eileen. Where I Live. Illustrated by Matt Phelan. GN: Readable; poetry format is fun and light. BN: Writing a tale in poems can be tiring to read.
Kerley, Barbara. What To Do About Alice?: How Alice Roosevelt Broke the Rules, Charmed the World, and Drove Her Father Teddy Crazy! GN: Fun format; Alice is a compelling heroine. BN: Will kids follow the story?
Feldman, Jody. The Gollywhopper Games. GN: Fun puzzles. BN: Derivative plot.
Rappaport, Doreen. Lady Liberty: A Biography. GN: Lots we didn't know about the statue. BN: Difficult text.
Schulman, Janet. Pale Male: Citizen Hawk of New York City. GN: Animal characters we always love; great length. BN: Illustrations somewhat bland.
Mora, Pat. 2007. ¡Yum! ¡MmMm! ¡QuĂ© Rico!: America’s Sproutings. GN: Food as characters; brilliant illustrations. BN: Haiku is hard to follow.
Flaherty, A.W. The Luck of the Loch Ness Monster: A Tale of Picky Eating. GN: Oatmeal is finally useful for something. BN: Dark illustrations make text hard to read.
Lupica, Mike. Two-Minute Drill. GN: Football; boy characters, for a change. BN: Football; boy characters.
Look, Lenore. Alvin Ho: Allergic to Girls, School, and Other Scary Things. GN: Great title; nice illustrations throughout; Alvin has troubles with all the things boys typically have troubles with. BN: Alvin is neurotic.
Wolf, Joan. Someone Named Eva. GN: Another book about Nazis. BN: Another book about Nazis.
Law, Ingrid. Savvy. GN: Beautiful cover; clever blurb. BN: Story wasn’t quite as good as cover and blurb promised. 
Neff, Henry H. The Hound of Rowan. GN: Boy discovers he has secret powers and is carted off to a school to study how to use his powers to save the world. BN: Sound familiar?