Tuesday, August 7, 2012

"I AM OZ....the Great and Powerful! Pay No Attention to that (Wo)man Behind the Curtain!"

Our challenge this week at Top 10 Tuesday:
List the ten blog posts that best reveal who you are. 

Here, then, is a random selection of ten blog posts
that tell a little bit about me.

This photo says it all. I'm a reader
and I love books.
So much so that I am willing to spend 
large amounts of time at a conference
nabbing free books.
Some might call me obsessed,
but those people are probably just jealous.

9. My TBR
Of course this leads to another thing 
that you have probably surmised about me:
I have an enormous TBR.
No surprises there.
Admit it:  you have a big shelf like this at your house, too, don't you??

Random. I'm very random.

Love the Texas Book Festival.
Who wouldn't love sitting on the floor of a tent
for two days
watching authors read their books aloud
and illustrators
showing children how they draw?!

A long, long, long
list of my favorite reads.

The first event I participated in as a blogger.
Knocked my socks off.
I vow to do it every year.

Random thoughts about motherhood.
Photo was taken at my Older Son's wedding.
A happy day.

One of the (many) things in life that perplex me to this day:
Who would choose to go to a gun show over a book sale??!
Makes me honestly question my identity as
a Loyal Texan.

I love a challenge!

Paris and Provence 056

How going to France made me a shiny new person.

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!

Each week we will post a new Top Ten list that one of our bloggers here at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join. All we ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND add your name to the Linky widget so that everyone can check out other bloggers lists! If you don't have a blog, just post your answers as a comment. Have fun with it! It's a fun way to get to know your fellow bloggers.


  1. 662 doesn't sound much when you say it quicly now does it? Such a fun post Debbie. I love your TBR! And were those books all free? Really? We don't get free books here, lucky you.

  2. And that was a while back! Now I'm down to 537 to go! Woo hoo.

    Yes, all those books were free. I enjoy the chase, weaving in and out among book vendors at conferences, snagging as many free books as I can find. I give away most of them once I get home, to other librarians and to children. It's the chase I love.

  3. Even though here in the Netherlands we don´t have gunshows, I would def. choose to go to a bookshow! OMG! I mean, seriously! Thanx for visiting my blog!

    1. How lovely it must be to live in a place where you don't have to contend with these sorts of choices!

  4. Love that first photo and of course that bookcase looked very familiar. The Texas Book Festival is great. It's been awhile since I've been able to travel up there from Houston but it's well worth the time and the drive. Great way to do the list this week.

  5. We both have The Book Thief on our TBR shelf. And look at those books!! Obsessed, jealous, same difference. Hmm, I'll be reading a book set in France, does that count?

    Thanks for visiting my top ten.

  6. I think many of us have your same vice:) it could always be something worse.

  7. I don't actually stack up my to-reads like that. It stresses me out.

    When I moved to a nearby town to where I'd been living the last couple of years, the first thing I missed what the semi-annual library book sale. I've been telling myself my shelves are plenty full, and we don't have room for more.

  8. What a great list - I loved having the chance to get to know you a bit! And I love your very visual way of creating the list.


    Book By Book

    Big Book Summer Challenge

  9. Great post! The bookshelf does look familiar :)

    I like the list of 1001 children's books to read. I can't believe you've read so many already!

  10. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I think you reveal more about yourself than you think. Your TBR list is CRAZY!!! I thought mine was stressful. But if you can blow through them, then why not?

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

  11. I like your post about motherhood (and the gun show/book show is a little bit crazy, but what a fun story)!

  12. Great list! The gun show picture totally freaked me out (I'm from Canada - we don't do that here). Some really interesting posts...thanks for stopping by.

  13. Great list! The gun show picture freaked me out (I'm from Canada - we don't do that here). Some really interesting posts...thanks for stopping by!

  14. Thanks for sharing this! Your readathon post had me chuckling, and I love that a visit to France taught you the art of savoring. :-)


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