Friday, July 17, 2009

"I'm Not a Blogger"

Photo by andyp uk

I didn't think I was.

I only set up this blog because I had to. For a class.

I never thought I'd post over 200 times this year. I never thought I'd read other people's blogs. I never ever thought I'd start following other people's blogs. I never dreamed I'd browse through blogs while I drank my coffee every morning.

I was wrong. I am a blogger. I love blogging. I love to read other people's blogs. I love to comment. I love Sunday Salon. I love to see what other people are reading. I love to see what other people are doing in their libraries. I love to see how people are using technology in schools.

It's hopeless. I'm addicted.


  1. LOL! I started blogging because it was required for a book group. The group is long gone but the blog remains.

  2. you are not alone...I came to it a little differently, but also never thought anyone would pay attention to what I wrote...I was merely using it as a parking spot for things I was interested in!.

    Now there are people I read just like a good short story or what they write about I find interesting and sometimes fascinating, and when I check my Feedjit and map and see where my words are being read, I am flabbergasted

    When you go for an intervention, I'll come along! :-)

  3. Blogging is an addiction. I started blogging because I found out about reading challenges. It is a great addiction to have though.

  4. I used to openly mock people who wrote blogs, until I started writing one of my own. And now I'm totally addicted.

  5. I guess I evolved into it naturally since I started writing book reviews and posting them on a web page nigh on 14 years ago now (sheesh! that long?) plus I enjoyed writing up long and involved e-mails to blanket my list with. So blogging was the next step for me I guess. I just wonder it took me so long to come to the party!

    P.S. It entertains me that you always think of me sinking now. I don't know anyone else who has sunk either and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. :-p

  6. Good for you for coming to terms with it! :-)

  7. LOL--I'm addicted as well. :) I didn't think I'd fall in love with the blogosphere like I have, but, well, here I am.

    Glad to be a blogger with you.

  8. Me too! It's such a nice blogosphere! and I always enjoy stopping by and reading your posts.


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