Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Top Ten Tuesday: BROKE AND BOOKISH 1 YEAR BLOGOVERSARY -- Top Ten Reasons I Love Being A Book Blogger and a Bookish Person

Top Ten Reasons I Love Being A Book Blogger and a Bookish Person

How I became a blogger in the first place.

The first blogging event I participated in.

The first weekly blogging event I participated in.

I read over 100 children's nonfiction
picture books in order to choose the best books of the year.

All the amazing prize packages from bloggers
and free books sent from authors and publishers!

3. Finding Cool Book-ish Things like

1. Amazing Book Bloggers:

And don't forget about
my June Giveaway here at Readerbuzz...

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created here at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!

Each week we will post a new Top Ten list that one of our bloggers here at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join. All we ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND add your name to the Linky widget so that everyone can check out other bloggers lists! If you don't have a blog, just post your answers as a comment. Have fun with it! It's a fun way to get to know your fellow bloggers.


  1. As usual, very good reasons! I forgot about the read-a-thons and the giveaways in mine. Such good reasons, those.

  2. http://thephantomparagrapher.blogspot.com/2011/06/top-ten-tuesday-reasons-i-love-book.html
    Im a old follower and I agree with All :)

  3. Ah yes, these are all excellent parts of being a book blogger! Most of which I basically forgot hehe

  4. Great list - I love how you centered it around book blogging events!

  5. Great list- How did I forget about the read-a- thons? They are so much fun!

  6. These are so cute. I love the library rap.
    Thanks for stopping by.

  7. Awesome list! I have to say I agree with #6, #5 and #4 ;) Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  8. I say "Amen" to all the reasons to love book blogging!
    Book Dilettante

  9. I love that your reasons are so personalized instead of things that all bloggers can say. Great list.

    Also, I'm curious to see what you think of The Use and Abuse of Literature. I've been wanting to read it ever since I heard about it on NPR a while ago.

  10. Love your stack of free books! Seems like a great reason to love book blogging all by itself. #7 sounds wonderful too!! Fun list!

  11. I took part in Dewey's 24 hour readathon for the first time this year and had a lot of fun. I definitely wouldn't have known about it if it hadn't been for blogging.

  12. exactly! So many great reasons!

  13. Great list!! I agree with lots of them! :o)

    I got my bookmarks from NextDayFlyers.com. Let me know if you get some!

    Mickey @ imabookshark

  14. Love your list - both the specific things you referred to and the fact that you got right to the point :)

  15. Great list! Many of them are the reasons I blog too. :)

  16. I like your pictures for each item. Very fun!

  17. such a great and creative list!!!

  18. I love your list! A few different things I haven't seen on other top tens this week. I can't believe I didn't even think of the free books. I've won some great stuff. As always, I love that you put pictures (and videos) with everythign.

  19. I love how you put a book on your list! ♥ Your list is so different from mine, and I love it!

  20. That is an awesome list. I am now obsessed with the dewy decimal rap. I was way too amused by that.

  21. I love blogging for the same reasons you do! I hope your week is off to a great start.

  22. Excellent reasons, Deb! :) I must definitely participate in a Read-a-thon one year. This year they just seem to fall on weekends that I'm either working or going out of town. And I love the free books, too! Thank you for visiting and happy reading!

  23. I'm loving how personalised this list is, and that rap?! Who knew you could make the dewey decimal system cooler?

  24. Wow. I am very impressed with what you have accomplished in a year. I've been blogging for 5 and publishers are STILL not sending me ARCs, and the amount of followers you have is nothing short of amazing. Well done!

  25. Fabulousness! I love how you took this opportunity to connect to so many other bloggers and bookish goodness!

  26. The 24 Hour Readathon was the first book blogging event I ever participated in, too. And it'll have a special place in my heart forever, for just that reason. =)

  27. Ha! I love 2 and 3, so funny! This is a great list.

  28. Yes, yes, yes to 6, 5, and 1! My TBR list is a bit crazy, but it's nothing compared to the list of books that I'd love to buy! And other book bloggers are amazing people. So glad to be part of such a bookish community!

  29. happy blogiversary and great list of awesome book blogger stuff! Love it!


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