Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sunday Salon: Blissfully Happy

At the request of mi hijo menor,
instead of book reviews,
today my Sunday Salon post will be personal.
(Apparently, some people think I focus too much on books. Hmph!)

(Okay. Big breath. You can do this.)

Today I am blissfully happy. ¿Por quĂ©? you ask.

1. I have no work obligations for the next ten weeks!
2. I have thirteen items checked out of the library and sixteen hold requests!
3. I have a brand new bicycle!
4. My mom is out of the hospital and she is eating better!
5. Tomorrow I will start walking every day!
6. I have free use of Rosetta Stone: Spanish for the entire summer!
7. I am taking a poetry writing class this summer! And a photography class! And a cooking class!
8. My husband is having a wonderful time looking for rocks in Montana!
9. This morning I planted a pumpkin plant mi hijo mayor brought me yesterday!
10. Did I mention that I have no work obligations for the next ten weeks?!

"This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."

How about you?
What are you doing today that makes you happy?
Are you (sorry...but I have to ask it, hijo) reading any good books?

And don't forget about
my June Giveaway here at Readerbuzz...


  1. What a fantastic summer you have in store! Enjoy your reading and the classes, and I hope you manage to learn some Spanish.

  2. Oh, sounds like good things are ahead with ten weeks of no work obligations.

    I've been relaxing, doing a little reading, and went to do some shopping, too. I am so bad about shopping for clothes that I would probably keep wearing my sweatpants everywhere if I didn't do something about it! And if my daughter, the clothes police, didn't tell me that's really bad to do. (Do I care?) LOL

    Anyway, see what you unleashed with your "personal" stuff?

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  3. I'm so happy for you, Debbie! 10 weeks with nothing but great books waiting for you sounds like heaven! Today I'm listening to Red and Me by Bill Russell and reading Eat by Ian K. Smith.

  4. What an exciting summer is ahead of you, all the books and classes...have fun with all of it:)

  5. Wow! Sounds like a great summer is ahead of you! Today, we made our way up to PA for a basketball tourney, which took most of the day. However, I have managed to get a bit of reading in during the day. Here's my post:

  6. Yeah I am not working for a while either. Enjoy your time reading!!

  7. Looks like you have a lot of things to look forward to!
    I took a photography class a few semesters back and I loved it. Especially since it was film photography, so I learned to process my own film and make my own prints. I sometimes really miss the dark room. Blasting classic rock and developing prints was really relaxing for me!
    I'm also jealous you're learning Spanish! I've never been very good a foreign languages :[

  8. Sounds like you have a great summer planned, but really, isn't Sunday Salon supposed to be about books?;)

  9. So many things to be happy about! I had a wonderful time at church this morning, and then we had a BBQ at my folks' house. :) I hope you have a wonderful week, Deb!

  10. Sounds lovely. I'm just finishing up by three weeks off of work, but I'll get three more at the end of the summer. Hope you enjoy your poetry class. I'm jealous.

    Here is my Sunday Salon

  11. Hi,
    Sounds like you are definitely keeping your library busy, it's great to know we have common interests!
    I'm a new follower, i love meeting people so if feel like visiting my blog or maybe even deciding to follow it i would ecstatic, all feedback is welcome!
    Unfortunately, i live in Australia so i can't take part in your giveaway, but i will definitely be keeping an eye on your blog, it has some great stuff ;)

    Hope to hear from you soon,
    Imo :D

  12. Have fun walking! MP3 players are the best for listening to things while getting exercise!

  13. Ten weeks without work responsibilities - Woooo Hoooo! It sounds like you have some great plans for the 10 weeks. I'm glad to read that your mom is doing better and also eating well. Continued health for her. This will make it easier for you to enjoy your break.
    Enjoy your new bike!

  14. What a wonderful summer! I'm just starting a new job that's not promising, but only part time so still time for gardening, reading, sewing, etc. "This is the day that the Lord hath made..." That's the best reason of all for being happy. Thanks for sharing.

  15. You are a very interesting person. I like the personal touches. I just got a new bicycle too. It's nice riding on cool days, nowhere to go, just enjoying the day. Glad your mom is doing better, hope your husband has fun looking for rock. :-)I am trying to walk everyday too, that's one thing I always wanted to incorporate into my life after I visited NY and everyone seemed to walking everywhere.

    Have a blessed week.

  16. How exciting to have a fun filled summer with books, Spanish programs (ole'), and a new bike!!! I can't wait to see pics of your bike travels :D I want a new bike with a basket in front, kinda like the one I had when I was a teenager. I hope your mom is doing better and continuing to recover!! P.S. Tell your son, "muy bien! Este poste era muy interesante!"


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