Friday, July 8, 2011

Literary Blog Hop: In Which I Ponder My Favorite Literary Device

Literary Blog Hop

Welcome to the Literary Blog Hop
hosted by The Blue Bookcase!

This week's prompt:
What is one of your favorite literary devices?
Why do you like it?
Provide a definition and an awesome example.

Shhhhh! Here's a Cheat Sheet for this week's Hop if your memory, like mine, needs refreshing....

My reply to this week's prompt:

Oh dear, oh dear,
how can I possibly choose a favorite literary device?
Similes are like fresh loaves of French bread while
metaphors are Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla ice cream.
Alliterations are always awesome.
I will break personification's heart if I don't pick him as my favorite.
And I adore hyperbole more than life itself!!!
Paradox is definitely my favorite literary device,
except that it is also the literary device I most despise....

How about you?
What's your favorite literary device?

And don't forget!
The July Giveaway here at Readerbuzz is...

And it's international!

This blog hop is open to blogs
that primarily feature book reviews of literary fiction,
classic literature, and general literary discussion.


  1. Lol! This was great fun to read! Well done! I am just working on a blog post for a book that had the best similes! Oh, the language was so yummy! But, I'm also partial to alliteration. But, I would probably pick repetition because it's done so well by one of my favorite authors, Gary D. Schmidt, in all of his books, but to particularly good effect in Okay for Now.


  2. Hehehehe, 'Paradox is definitely my favorite literary device,
    except that it is also the literary device I most despise....' Excellent!

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I loved reading your post. How fun!

  4. Your post is a better way to remember the devices than the cheat sheet! Cute picture, too.

  5. Very creative answer! Well done.

  6. Awesome answer!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog ( Returned favor and now following.

  7. Love the way you answered this! Especially the line about hyperbole (!!!)

  8. Hi, Deb! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Just wanted to let you know that I'm already a follower of yours.

  9. Great answer! I love your line about similes.

  10. I love your response. I've seen the literary blog hop around but whilst I do read literary books, I'm not big into literary criticism so I've never felt I could join in. Though maybe I'll check it out next week!

  11. You have put it so well:) Thanks for stopping by my blog and have a great weekend! Old follower:)

  12. Hi! I am a new follower!
    you can find me at the Howling Turtle:

  13. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love your clever response to the literary blog question.

  14. Very fun! You've been on my reader for a long while (even though I do no comment frequently, I do stop by). Have a great weekend.

  15. I still don't really understand what a hyperbole is, but it's fun to say XD

    Cool post!

  16. I love pardoxes too!...haven't despised any yet.:D
    And my favourite is that of foreshadowing, or premonition....:D

    Here's mine.:)


I love to hear your thoughts.