Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Summer 2016: New Mexican Wildfires

For more wordless photos, go to Wordless Wednesday.

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by West Metro Mommy ReadsTo participate in Saturday Snapshot: post a photo that you (or a friend or family member) have taken and then leave a direct link to your post in the Mister Linky at West Metro Mommy Reads.


  1. Hopefully not so big and not so long.
    Best, Synnöve

    1. That morning we were headed to the airport in Albuquerque and heard on the news that there were wildfires just off the main road. We got closer and closer to them.

  2. Lovely pics. Not seeing any fire.
    Happy WW!

  3. Oh wow, I remember seeing a stubble fire near where I live, I'd driven one way to a town and on the way back half an hour later the field I drove past was on fire, the farmer had been burning the stubble and it had got out of hand. It was racing across the field beside the road and I had real trouble going faster that it to get out of the way. Fire is not a nice thing to see when it is out of control, you were lucky seeing it from a distance

  4. That's terrible ! hope they can get it under control !

  5. I hope they can get it under control fast!

  6. Oh no! I hope it didn't turn into anything very serious!

    1. This wasn't a horrible fire. It was put out rather quickly.

  7. It's so sad! How i wish there was more i could do.

  8. The vastness of that landscape just amazes me. It's so beautiful and I hate to see the devastation of the wildfires on it.

    1. The place we went in New Mexico had been ravaged by wildfires about seven years ago. All the trees would be beautiful and tall and then we would come to an area hit by the wildfires. Sad.

  9. So scary. I hope firefighters were able to control it before the flames damaged any homes.
    My Saturday Snapshot post is HERE.

  10. I had to look closely for the fire...then I saw all the smoke! That should tell you how observant I am!

    1. It was scary to see the smoke off in the distance and then watch it get closer and closer and we got nearer and nearer to Albuquerque.

  11. I thought it was just mist at first glance. Quite ominous, although at least there does not look like there is much to burn near to where the car is.

    1. You are right. There was a huge desert-like gap between the burning area and the road.


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