Saturday, November 23, 2024

Enjoying an Early Thanksgiving with Family



I'm glad you joined us here at the Sunday Salon

What is the Sunday Salon? The Sunday Salon is a place to link up and share what we have been doing during the week plus it's a great way to visit other blogs and join in the conversations going on there. 

My dad last year 
at the pre-Thanksgiving get together

We are up in East Texas this weekend for an early Thanksgiving get together with family. After much discussion, I was finally able to convince my 97-year-old dad that it was not a good idea to drive up through Houston and for two hundred miles pulling a trailer! He wants to do "a little bit of work" around the place while we are up there. Good thoughts and prayers appreciated!

What I Read Last Week (link takes you to my attempts at a review)

Zen and Zen Classics by R. H. Blyth

Ringworld by Larry Niven

What I'm Reading Now:

Orbital: A Novel by Samantha Harvey (Booker Prize Winner)

Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin (Nonfiction November)

A Closed and Common Orbit by Becky Chambers (SciFi Month)

What I Posted Last Week Here at Readerbuzz:

I'm on Bluesky now.
I'm at

I've been a bit down lately, and maybe you have, too. To cheer myself up, I decided to read a holiday-themed picture book for the first twenty-four days in December. I picked some of my favorite picture books and I added in some new-to-me books. I will do this as my 12 Books of Christmas challenge.

I began to list 3 Good Things every day during the pandemic. Now I've established a regular routine of writing down my 3 Good Things. Here are 3 Good Things from last week:

Good Thing #1:

Another amazing quilt from the
International Quilt Show in Houston.

Good Thing #2:

A friend and I spoke with children 
about becoming a librarian
for Career Day at a local elementary last week.
So much fun!

Good Thing #3:

My Duolingo French score
is 25.

Weekend linkup spots are listed below. Click on the picture to visit the site.


I hope you will join the linkup for Sunday Salon below.

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