Anne of My Head is Full of Books was looking at old posts and she stumbled upon this one, an old meme, My Year in Books, from 2017. Thinking it was pretty fun and creative, she decided to do it again. Join us.
My Year in Books
- Answer the questions with titles from books you read in 2024. (Some may end up being silly, others may seem overly serious.)
- The goal is to have fun.
- Participate by copying the questions below. Erasing my answers and inserting you own.
- Once you've created your post, link it below so others can see it, then visit others' posts to see how they answered the questions.
- Spread the word. Let's see if we can make this a thing again this year!
In high school I was: A Creative Companion (Sark)
People might be surprised to know: What I Ate in One Year (Stanley Tucci)
I will never try: Writing on Empty (Natalie Goldberg)
My fantasy job is: Bob's Saucer Repair (Jerry Boyd)
At the end of a long day I need: Things to Look Forward To (Sophie Blackall)
I hate: The Underworld (Susan Casey)
Wish I had: A Taste of Paris (David Downie)
My family reunions are: Magic by the Lake (Edward Eager)
At a party you’d find me: Preaching to the Chickens (Jabari Asim)
I’ve never been to: The Wood at Midwinter (Susannah Clarke)
A happy day includes a: Funny Story (Emily Henry)
Motto I live by: Every Day is a Gift (Tammy Duckworth)
On my bucket list is: Teaching a Stone to Talk (Annie Dillard)
In my next life, I want to have a: Playground (Richard Powers)
Updated about 20 hours ago.
Newly completed books appear after a delay.
Newly completed books appear after a delay.
My average rating for 2024
During the pandemic, children's author/illustrator Sophie Blackall started a list of 52 things to look forward to, with illustrations. This is that list. It's aimed at grownups.
So much to love about this little book. ...more
So much to love about this little book. ...more
it was amazing
it was amazing
it was amazing
it was amazing
it was amazing
it was amazing
it was amazing
it was amazing
it was amazing
it was amazing
it was amazing
it was amazing
it was amazing
it was amazing
it was amazing
it was amazing
it was amazing
it was amazing
it was amazing
really liked it
it was amazing
it was amazing
it was amazing
it was amazing
it was amazing
it was amazing
it was amazing
really liked it
really liked it
it was amazing
it was amazing
it was amazing
it was amazing
The Grinch is a lonely and bitter fellow, living all alone except his dog at the top of a cold mountain, watching the happy Whos go about their happy preparations for Christmas. He is determined to spoil the holiday for them, and he robs them of all their Christmas foods and decorations and gifts. But somehow he doesn't ruin Christmas for them, and pondering this paradox changes the Grinch and he is welcomed into the fold.
I love this story. ...more
I love this story. ...more
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