We spent last weekend up in East Texas in order to see our granddaughter Annie play basketball. We reserved a tiny house just seven miles from our son's house, and it turned out to be a lovely building.
What is the spin?
It’s easy. At your blog, before next Sunday, February 16th, create a post that lists twenty books of your choice that remain “to be read” on your Classics Club list.
This is your Spin List.
You have to read one of these twenty books by the end of the spin period.
On Sunday February 16th, The Classics Club will post a number from 1 through 20. The challenge is to read whatever book falls under that number on your Spin List by Sunday, April 11th.
Let's see who can make it the whole way and finished their spin book!
I only have four classics to go to complete my Classics Club list. Let's see where the needle stops.
So here is my list.
Moscow, 1958. At the height of the Cold War, secretary Lois Vale is on a deep-cover MI6 mission to identify a diplomatic traitor. She can trust only one man: Johann, a German journalist also working covertly for the British secret service. As the trail leads to Vienna and the Black Sea, Lois and Johann begin an affair but as love grows, so does the danger to Lois.
A tense Cold War spy story told from the perspective of a bright, young, working-class woman recruited to MI6 at a time when men were in charge of making history and women were expendable.

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