Saturday, November 17, 2012

Author Jon Klassen Comes to My School!

Author Jon Klassen is coming to my school!
Happy day!

A sea-of-hats surprise for the author of
I Want My Hat Back

A rapt audience of 650 PreK, K, 1st, and 2nd grade kids
listens as Jon Klassen tells about being an author and an illustrator.

Children ask questions.

Jon Klassen autographs books.

Happy children!

Happy librarian!

A big thank you to the amazing Blue Willow Bookshop in Houston!

The Sunday Salon is open to anyone who'd like to discuss books of a Sunday (or, frankly, any other day of the week). We've actually been around for some years -- see -- but managing the group via that site became a problem because of its size and we had to limit membership to a little over 500 members. I'm now throwing the doors open to anyone who'd like to participate. Discuss what you're reading here, or link to relevant blog posts, or comment on one another's posts. Enjoy.

To participate in the Saturday Snapshot meme 
post a photo that you (or a friend or family member) have taken
 then leave a direct link to your post in the Mister Linky at At Home With Books.


  1. Events like this are so much fun!! What a nice fella he must be :)

    1. He was genuine and child-like. A perfect fit for our primary school.

  2. What a great opportunity! Thanks for sharing it with us!

  3. I love his books - funny, quirky and a little dangerous!

    1. I love that combination, too, Brona Joy. I get annoyed at times with all the sappy sweet children's books.

  4. So jealous!! My 4th graders LOVE him and his books! What a terrific opportunity you and your students had. You ARE one lucky librarian!

    1. My school is wild for Jon Klassen. I can't tell you how thrilled I was to have him visit our little school.

  5. I like your group pictures, especially the one shot from the back, with the shape of the kids' raised hands echoing the shape of their hats - it works really well, and gives such a feel of the event, even though you can't see their faces.My Snapshot is at

    1. I really should have given proper credit to the photographers of this little piece. The very clever back of the hats shot is from our district photographer, Tomika Gamble. And the shot of the happy librarian is from my friend and fellow librarian, Sheri Howard.

  6. I'm so grateful to Blue Willow Bookshop in Houston and his publisher, Candlewick Books, for allowing him to come and visit our school.

  7. Great to have the author-illustrator get kids happy about books!

  8. Fabulous! There is nothing more invigorating than an author event. Thanks for sharing...and here's MY SUNDAY SALON POST

  9. What a great visit! It looks like everyone is having such a great time. I love that the kids made hats to wear for the occasion. They're very lucky to have such a clever librarian. I particularly like seeing these pictures because I own a little part of that day, which is very special. I am rather astonished that 650 kids can be called a little school! My sons school K-6 has 92 kids. Now that's a little school......


I love to hear your thoughts.