Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Amazing Authors I Have Met

I can't count all the authors I have met. I can't rank them either, but I will say that here are a few memorable author visits:

I've been lucky enough to meet Rick Riordan many, many times.
One of these days I'll tell you the story of the first time I met him,
at a conference,
when he was desperately trying to give away copies of 
a book I'd never heard of...The Lightning Thief.

Aaron Reynolds really knows his subject.

Jon Scieszka and Mac Barnett introduce the Bluebonnet nominees in style.

Dav Pilkey and Jarret Krosoczka show how everything looks better
in underpants

Anne Lamott comes to Houston. Unforgettable.

I stumbled on this photoshoot of children's book winners
at the state capitol. Lucky me!

Kate DiCamillo tells how she became an author.

I was assigned to escort Jewel at the Texas Book Festival one year. She spoke about her children's book in the Texas Capitol. But it was when she sang that I saw her magic.

I'll never forget having children's author/illustrator Jon Klassen at my school,
just before he won the Caldecott.

Here are more authors I have met:
Row 1, l to r: Brian Selznick, Patricia Polacco, Lani Taylor
Row 2, l to r: Katherine Paterson, Tamora Pierce, Jacqueline Woodson
Row 3, l to r: Lois Lowry, Mo Willems, Cynthia Voight.

For a look at all the authors I've met, take a look at my Pinterest board: Authors I Have Met.

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because we are particularly fond of lists at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!

Each week we will post a new Top Ten list that one of our bloggers at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join. All we ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND add your name to the Linky widget so that everyone can check out other bloggers lists! If you don't have a blog, just post your answers as a comment. Have fun with it! It's a fun way to get to know your fellow bloggers.


  1. I'm not jealous, I won't be jealous... ok, I'm jealous! lol. I can't believe you've met Rick Riordan! I really like his Percy Jackson series, though to be honest I'd not heard of it before the movie was out. Not many authors come where I live so I think you'd have to travel a lot to go to all the book signings? You're so lucky, it's definitely worth it!
    Thanks for visiting my blog,
    Amy x

    1. That's the point of my post, of course...to provoke jealousy!

    2. And, btw, Rick Riordan is the most outgoing, friendly, amazing-in-person author I've ever met. A must-see.

  2. Wow! Lots of amazing authors there! Congrats on meeting them all!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. Wow! I love your version of TTT this week. You've met so many authors! x

  4. How lovely! Such good authors. I laughed at the Rick Riordan comment - trying to give away The Lightning Thief. Was that when he still lived in San Antonio? Think he lives elsewhere now. I keep meaning to try that mystery series he wrote before the Percy books. Great take on the topic, Deb!!

    1. Oh gosh. You are right. I didn't realize that Rick was now living in Boston. A little sad to know that he is no longer a fellow Texan.

  5. Wow, how special! I am so jealous but since that isn't called for-- lol -- I'll be happy for you. Tamora Pierce, Lois Lowry, Anne Lamott...swoon :)
    Seriously, thanks for sharing your photos and experiences, very cool!

  6. Kate DiCamillo was the very first author I ever met! I was in awe!

    1. Yes, and I'm so happy to have caught this little bit of Kate on video.

  7. You're so lucky to have been able to meet with Laini Taylor! I love the DoS&B trilogy and would love to meet her. Rick Riordan is kind of awesome too. :))

  8. Not familiar with these authors but I hope you meet them one day. :) and you did! which is really amazing
    Top Ten Tuesday

  9. Ohhhhhh. CYNTHIA VOIGT! (Is a really good one.) I'm so jealous that you've met her in addition to Tamora Pierce. I remember reading Homecoming and Dicey's Song as a teenager and man, I want to reread them now.

  10. That's really awesome! You've met some fantastic authors! You make me want to do a post of all the authors I've had the chance to meet.

  11. So cool that you've met so many! I want to hear the story behind you escorting Jewel. What's Lois Lowry like?

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT at http://tinyurl.com/mdg6zx3 !

    1. I do have a great story about escorting Jewel. Maybe I just need to do a post about that!

  12. Such a wonderful list of authors, so so jealous!! :) I can't imagine Rick Riordan desperately trying to give away copies of
    a book. Wonderful list, I bet you have some fun stories.

  13. Oh, wow. I'm not jealous. Not at all. ;) But it's really awesome that you've gotten to meet so many great authors, and I hope you'll meet a lot more someday. :) Great list, and thanks for stopping by my TTT earlier.

  14. Wow, that's impressive... and very cool!

  15. What wonderful experiences! Just the image of Rick Riordan trying to give away copies of The Lightening Thief is amazing!

    1. I could do a post just about times I met Rick Riordan!

  16. That's so cool that you met so many authors... I love meeting authors!! Probably my favorite author that I've meet was Thomas Steinbeck (John Steinbeck's son) twice at two author events in Santa Barbara, California. My husband and I even sat next to him and his wife during a bookish event which was cool... Anyway, Thomas Steinbeck was a fun person to meet... He take the time to talk to each and every person who comes to meet him at a signing.

    Here's a link to my TTT post for this week: http://captivatedreader.blogspot.com/2015/05/top-ten-tuesday-ten-authors-i-really.html

    1. That's the funny thing to me about authors...they are celebrities (at least, to me) but they are quite humble.

  17. I was going to say something about this post, but I have forgotten what because LANI TAYLOR'S HAIR. I'm jealous that you've met Jon Klassen! And your Rick Riordan tale sounds interesting...

    1. Yes, and (I still can't really believe this!) JON KLASSEN CAME TO MY SCHOOL.

  18. You sure have put this question on its head ;) Of course I'm jealous ... but you already knew that!

  19. I am so jealous you got to meet Rick Riordan! But happy for you too, it must have been amazing! As you can probably guess, he was on my list this week! Love your take on the topic!
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2015/05/12/top-ten-tuesday-4/

  20. I'm so so so so jealous that you met Rick Riordan. That must have been so cool. I must really make an effort to meet more authors!

  21. This is so awesome! Authors seem so much less intimidating when wearing a bustier or underpants on their head:0). Ann Lamott would be very cool to meet one day!

  22. I'd like to hear the Jewell story!


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