Wednesday, June 17, 2015


Buscher State Park. Outside Smithville, Texas. A cloudy day in April, 2015.

A 3.5 mile hike. With a stylin' backpack.

The bridge was a great photo op.

Some of the signs were a little confusing.

Some seemed unnecessary. 

Saw a little wildlife. Water moccasin on the log.

A selfie to mark our finish.

For more wordless photos, go to Wordless Wednesday.

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by West Metro Mommy ReadsTo participate in Saturday Snapshot: post a photo that you (or a friend or family member) have taken and then leave a direct link to your post in the Mister Linky at West Metro Mommy Reads.


  1. Nice reflections. Great series.
    Happy WW!

  2. What a nice walk. Those arrow signs are crazy!!!

  3. Replies
    1. We'd anticipated rain, but it never really came. Just a nice overcast sky.

  4. Love your series of photos on the hike. Great day for a walk.

  5. What a nice walk! Great pictures!

  6. Wonderful photos of your walk.
    Best regards, Synnöve

  7. How fun! Do people use those trails for biking or snowmobiling? That's the only reason I could see for that slow sign. And the other ones? Well, I'm glad you're back because I'm pretty sure I'd still be wandering in circles.

  8. Looks like you had a great walk. My favorite sign right now is one that warns you of thin ice. :-)

  9. Hike? that is a stroll, looks a great place for one though

  10. I like taking walks through the woods. I have a picture or two where I'm looking upward to capture the trees against the sky. Sometimes I got lucky to get a sun star pattern in the frame. Have a fototastic day, Deb!

    Would love to have you join my #WW linky party here!

  11. Looks like a great day out - those signs are v funny. Who needs a warning about a sharp turn on a gentle hiking path, they must have thought they were on Everest :)

  12. I like these beautiful trails, a wonderful place, beautiful pictures!

  13. Looks like a beautiful hike! The signs on trails can definitely be a source of entertainment. Sometimes they're well marked - other times not so much!

  14. Wow that first picture is gorgeous!!!!

  15. Beautiful first photo particularly - what a gorgeous angle for a shot. Jealous of your hike! Do you get to hike often?
    Thanks for stopping by with us :)

    1. We are hoping to go on a long hike in August when we go to Yellowstone.

    2. Enjoy your visit to Yellowstone. But please mind the signs there! Stay away from the animals!

  16. Looks like a nice walk. I had my mountain hike last weekend. A hike is always fun

  17. What a lovely area to take a walk in! Love that first photo of the treetops.

  18. Eek! A water moccasin! I am not sure if I could hike any longer knowing deadly snakes were afoot. I live in a part of the country where there are no poisonous snakes (rattlers on the east side of the state but not the western side where we live), so I am very snake shy.

  19. Great photos - love them!

    Linda in VA

  20. I like that you included pictures of you and your companion and of the signs and bridge. Makes me feel like I was right there with you!

  21. Hiking is one of my most favorite things! I would be scared to death to see a water moccasin tho. We only have to deal with rattlesnakes out here. LOL

  22. Looks like lots of fun! Mum and I went for a walk today as well - starting raining though and we got soaked. Such fun!

    - Linking over from Saturday Snapshots

  23. I should hike (bush walk) more often, I do it so rarely, but have always loved it. I really like your first picture. Arrow signs are so often confusing.

  24. Nice shots and you guys looked like you had great fun!


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