Sunday, November 30, 2008

20 Books for Christmas

I already know what I'm getting for Christmas.

Well, not exactly.

But my husband did this last year and it was my favorite Christmas gift ever and it looks suspiciously like he is doing it again.

What did he do? He went to my wish list at Amazon and picked out twenty used books for me. Some cost as little as $.01. Some were newish. He tried to pick out a variety of books, some fiction, some travel, some books about books, some children's books.

How do I know he is doing it again? Nearly every day there are rectangular packages for him and the return addresses are from all over the country.

I can't wait until Christmas!


  1. That is really sweet. I bet you can't wait to see what he got you this time.

    I got East of Eden from a friend. I had never heard of it until she recommended it to me. If I had of know ahead of time it was by the same guy that wrote Grapes of Wrath. I wouldn't have bothered. But it is much better than Grapes of Wrath, IMO.

  2. What a great idea! That's the best reason yet for keeping a wish list at Amazon.

    Here's to counting the days till Christmas...

  3. That is so nice! My husband is great with gift buying, but buying books for me is just not his thing. So now I've taken to just asking for a gift certificate, but opening up parcels filled with books I want would be so much nicer!

  4. What a great idea, and how fun for you to look forward to seeing what he picked out!

  5. My husband and I tend to get interested in what each other wants to read, so we get into big "food fights" so to speak over the books. At the moment, we are both reading "Kavalier and Clay" - we have two separate book marks going. I hope your husband lets your gifts alone! :-)

  6. Oh my gosh, rhapsodyinbooks. That's awful. You should at least have your own copy.

  7. That's lovely - does he wrap them individually so you get 20 presents? My husband does (well, not 20 books!)and he uses my Amazon list too for my birthday as well as Christmas. No wonder your bookshelves are so well stacked - I see they're double shelved like mine are - we'll never be short of a book to read.

  8. He wraps each one separately. Just lovely.

    For my birthday, he and I usually go to the Texas Book Festival and he gives me license to pick out books there.

  9. What a sweetheart. I think I'd love this, but then I'd also feel overwhelmed. I have a couple of books (World Without End and Bridge of Sighs) that my hubby gave me last year for Christmas. I haven't read them and now they're out in paperback!

  10. What a great idea! I should mention this to my husband ;-) Last year he got me Bridge of Sighs and it was the first book I finished in 2008. It will also end up being one of my favorites.


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