Sunday, August 2, 2009

Happiness Study

I joined a happiness study this week.

Three times a day, I get a message on my iPhone.

I click to the website. I answer about five questions. How am I feeling right now? Am I alone or with others? Am I interacting? What am I doing? Do I have to do what I'm doing? Do I want to do what I am doing?

Almost every time I get buzzed, I am reading. I read in the morning. I read in the afternoon. I read in the evening. And reading always makes me happy.

Will I be distorting the results? Will the scientists conclude that people are reading more than ever before? Will they announce that reading is one of the keys to happiness? :-)


  1. It wouldn't be such a bad thing if the scientists did conclude that reading = happiness. After all, it's true! :)

  2. Yes, that is a good way to think about it....Perhaps I am helping millions of people to become reading!

  3. I think they will be making a major announcement that reading is connected with happiness based on their findings with you in the study. I just have a feeling. :)

  4. It could revolutionize the way people think about reading! Psychologists will start advising patients to read. Publishers will add a footnote to the title page: "Reading has been established as a way to promote good mental health." Millions will throw away their pills and pick up a good book.

  5. "More people should read to be happier" will be their conclusion. :)

  6. What a fun study. I wish I could be reading morning, noon and night. I, too would be continuously happy :)

  7. I'm a librarian, so I get to do my favorite thing every hour every day. It's my job. I know, I know...I am very blessed.

  8. I agree. Reading makes me happy too :)

  9. And what if they buzz me as I am reading a book on happiness? (I have several.)

  10. I am finished with this phase of the study. They will return in six months. Conclusion of the study: People who read are the happiest. We must watch for this on the news.


I love to hear your thoughts.