Sunday, September 13, 2009

Lemonade Award

The Lemonade Award is a feel good award that shows great attitude or gratitude. Here are the rules for accepting this award:

• Put the Lemonade Award logo on your blog or post.

• Nominate at least 5 blogs that show great attitude or gratitude.

Trish's Reading Nook
Leslie's Book Nook
A Striped Armchair
Fizzy Thoughts

• Link your nominees within your post.

• Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.

Will be doing shortly, if they don’t see this here first.

• Share the love and link to the person from whom you received the award. Thank you, unfinished person.


  1. Gosh, thanks! And I'm in such wonderful company, too! Maybe I should show this to my mom...she accuses me of having a bad attitude at times. :-D

  2. Thank you so much! And congrats to you on the award as well. I hope you have a wonderful week, Deb.

  3. Thanks so much for the award, Debbie! You are quite deserving of it, too.

    Happy reading!


I hope you will leave a comment so I know you have visited. If you stop by my blog, I will always stop by yours.

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