Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I Am Going to Paris!

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This is really going to happen....I am going to Paris!

Not today. This summer. The end of June. A week in Paris and a week in Provence.

Here's how it came about: My sister has been to Europe several times. She is making all the arrangements. My two nieces are going with us. I love my husband, but he sees no reason to leave Alvin, much less Texas, much much less the US. So I am going to France with my sister and two nieces!

Words of advice? Bookish sites to visit? Bookstore suggestions?


  1. Congrats! I'm sure you'll have a smashing good time.

  2. Just do the usual big stuff and don't worry about it. You'll love it.

  3. Don't let the few rude waiters intimidate you. Most of the French are courteous (but not all). I was only in Paris for a weekend, but we had a fantastic time. Heels can get you in trouble -- they still have cobblestones on Montmartre. Walking shoes are best.

  4. Woo hoo! Have you been there before? I love Paris. Guess where I'll be in late June early/July? Paris. Would love to meet up somewhere. I don't know much about bookshops in Paris, but I do know that Berthillon makes the BEST icecream in the world. We ate some every day last time. BTW I just ordered Everything I Need To Know I Learned From a Children's Book from Amazon with my last order, I haven't seen your review yet. Will have a look. Was too excited about Paris.

  5. Lots of useful advice here. No heels. Check. Usual big stuff. Check. Ignore rude waiters. Check.

    And how amazing is it that you will be in France at the same time, Louise?! Yes, we must find a way to visit.

    Don't look for the Everything review. I was so excited about Paris that I forgot to post it!

  6. I was in Paris only once and that was over 20 years ago, but I still remember my visit to the Pere Lachaise cemetery. Sounds strange? But in fact, lots of people you've heard of lie there, and on Sundays it is where many people go for a walk. It's lovely.
    I've been to Provence many times in the last few years, so I could give you some information on that. If you want, write me!

  7. Wow, congratulations! I hope you will have a wonderful trip!

  8. Sounds great! Make sure to visit Shakespeare and Company and then tell me how it was. I didn't know about the iconic bookstore when I was in Paris umpty-ump years ago and contented myself with wandering the Left Bank completely directionless. Now I'd definitely take the time to make the trip.

  9. Wheeeeeee! You are so lucky! I've never been, although my daughter spent a week during her last year in college. My husband sounds like yours. No reason to leave Lincoln, much less Nebraska, much less the U.S. Especially if it involves flying across the ocean. I need to find a sister and two nieces to go with ME! :)


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