Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sunday Salon: Peaceful

It's Sunday and I'm completely and totally relaxed and peaceful.

I just spent most of the last week at an amazing technology conference. But that wasn't the relaxing and peaceful part.

The relaxing and peaceful part was the hotel where I stayed.

 I walked. I listened to calming music. I ate almonds and peanut butter and chocolate. And I read a fabulous book. A fabulously sad book. And I cried. I cried because the book was very sad. I cried because the book was very true.

Here it is:

Why We Broke Up*
Review to come soon.

And don't forget!
The February Giveaway here at Readerbuzz is...
All Kinds of Kisses!
And it's international!

*CAUTION!  CAUTION!  CAUTION!  This book is marked YA but it's full of things your mama won't be happy about. 
You have been warned.


  1. Oh, I love gorgeous hotels, walking in cities not my own, and eating chocolate.

    Why We Broke Up looks fabulous!

    I love a good cry....


  2. Ummm, that looks divine, especially that couch.

    What was the calming music you listened to?

  3. I made a radio station at Pandora that I listened to while I was in Austin. I started with Zen-ish songs with windchimes and waterfalls and lots of flutes. But, because I'm a ditz, when I was making it, I accidentally added a country music song, and, somehow, since I was in Texas, that seemed okay, too.

  4. The hotel sounds like the perfect retreat. I am going to CUE (Computer Using Educators) next month. My hotel won't be quite so wonderful, but I am certainly looking forward to the technology stuff!

  5. I was at TCEA (which stands for Texas Computer Education Association and sounds very similar to CUE...except that CUE might be national?)

    The technology was fantastic in that overwhelming way that technology always is. Nice that I had the balance of the quiet hotel. And the chocolate.

  6. You cried while reading this?! Maybe I'll read this next then.

    Your hotel room looks amazing! I'm glad that you had such a great week. I hope next week goes just as well.

  7. I cry a lot these days. Could be just this time of my life. And all the beautiful, true things in my world.

  8. Aw... tears and almonds and chocolate and peanut butter and beauty... what a memorable week!!! Thx for sharing!! Here's my Sunday: Colorimetry

  9. I am really into hotels. I love them. That one looks lovely. I haven't read Why We Broke Up yet, but it will happen soon.

  10. i"m jealous! I could so use some time like that right now. Glad you have a good time!

  11. That hotel room looks calming and peaceful...the peanut butter nd chocolate doesn't hurt! Add in a great book and I understand why your post it titled "Peaceful". It's a great way to start off a new week. Hope its a good one!

  12. It sounds like you had a wonderful time.


  13. I read Why We Broke Up last week and cried, too. It brought back all kinds of sad feelings of heartbreaks and rotten two-timing boyfriends. The good part of that experience was that my husband and I talked about past heart aches (that didn't involve each other) and for once I wasn't jealous of his past before me. I know what the book won a Printz Honor. I did enjoy it.

  14. Thanks for the welcome to the Sunday Salon. Great post and makes me curious to where you stayed. Always on the lookout for relaxation!

  15. I had to attend a conference in Vegas awhile back (not my favorite place) so I requested a non-smoking hotel. I stayed at the MGM Signature and it was gorgeous! Very much like the room you show in the pics above. Jacuzzi tub, dream beds, and large flat screens everywhere I looked. I think I went back to the room every night I was there to eat Chinese food and take a bath!

  16. What a nice hotel! I don't think I've ever had the privilege of staying at a hotel that nice! Perhaps I should see about getting something that nice for a "babymoon" for my wife! Thanks for dropping by my blog yesterday, and I hope you have a great week!

  17. It was a lovely independent hotel in Austin. Thanks!

  18. Jeremy, I would definitely seek out a nice hotel for your wife as a babymoon


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