Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Book Characters Who Could Use a Session with a Shrink

10. Emma Bovary (Madame Bovary)
Doctor's wife with a banal, empty life
sets off on a series of banal, empty affairs.

9. India Bridge (Mrs. Bridge)
This poor woman never had a chance.
No life outside her tiny world.

8. Scarlett O'Hara (Gone With the Wind)
Was there ever a woman more in need of a good
women's lib consciousness-raising evening?

7. Bella Swan (Twilight)
I'm sorry, but a vampire boyfriend? Really?

6. Sam-I-Am (Green Eggs and Ham)
Stop with the green eggs and ham already.

5. The Pigeon (Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus)
Give it up, Pigeon.

4. Gregor Samsa (Franz Kafka's The Metamorphosis)
Man wakes to find he has changed into a giant insect.
He can't communicate with anyone and can't leave his room.
Not a happy fellow...that is, roach.

3. Bertha, Rochester, and Jane (Jane Eyre)
Obviously, Bertha has troubles,
but her husband and Jane could use some therapy, too.

2. The Cat in the Hat (The Cat in the Hat)
The Cat is trouble.
And don't make excuses for him.

1. Nancy Drew (Nancy Drew mysteries)
Never even has a bad hair day.

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!

Each week we will post a new Top Ten list that one of our bloggers here at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join. All we ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND add your name to the Linky widget so that everyone can check out other bloggers lists! If you don't have a blog, just post your answers as a comment. Have fun with it! It's a fun way to get to know your fellow bloggers.


  1. LOL. It begins with the title of your post. It's just hilarious. And I truly love your list and agree with you on the characters who you would like to send to Dr. Phil. LOL!!!

  2. I like your take on this week's TTT. I think it's my favorite list I've seen today!

  3. Your list is really funny--love your humorous one-sentence descriptions! I've seen Bella on a lot of lists today, and I'm embarrassed than she never even crossed my mind. I guess I just completely wrote her off! I still like most of the characters on my list, even if they're frustrating.

    Thanks for sharing your choices! You can find my TTT over at bookwanderer .

  4. LOL, love this! And you're so right about all of them, but Madame Bovary is my "favorite."

  5. love the title and I do have Scarlett on my list as well.. and I definitely would include a couple of others on my list (Nancy Drew and Bella, for example)...:)

  6. Your title is hilarious. The idea you thought of the Cat in the Hat is funny. Great post.

  7. I hated every character from Madame Bovary, Scarlett topped my list. I didn't think of the Jane Eyre cast, but they are frustrating.

    Great post! Thanks for sharing and I love your title.

    ~Danica Page@Taking it One Page at a Time

  8. I think Bella Swan is on EVERYONE'S list today! And you are totally right, The Cat is a criminal! lol

    Great list!
    Thanks for stopping by Take Me Away...

  9. Great list and totally agree with you on many of them.

  10. Love the post title! Glad to see Bella on this list LOL The Cat in the Cat is also a nice choice, I always thought he was creepy, too.

  11. And I thought I'd be the only one with the Cat in the Hat! Ha. Nice list.

    My TTT

  12. I love that you included children's books in this list!

    Totally agree with you on Bella Swann...she definitely made my list as well.

    And I couldn't even finish Madame Bovary.

  13. Just like Dr. Phil, you weren't afraid to criticize some big name book characters!

    A lot of people have Scarlett O'Hara on their list. I've always wanted to read Gone With the Wind because my mom LOVES it, so I'm a little surprised so many people find the MC annoying!

    I had Bella on my list too!

    I love that you included Dr. Seuss on here! Hehe!

    Poor Jane and Rochester :(
    Rochester might need the therapy, but I think Jane is pretty solid. At least that's my opinion. (I love that book though.)

    Lauren @ Hughes Reviews

  14. This is a great list! Bella would definitely be on mine, too. She made me so mad!

  15. What an awesome list! Emma Bovary almost made my list, but then others quickly bumped her off. I've seen Bella on lots of lists and I've never seen the films or read the books, but yeah she didn't make my list because I can't fully judge her (well I guess I can).

    Thanks for stopping by Literary, etc! :)

  16. Thanks for dropping by on my blog. I love the title of this post and I completely agree with Bella Swan and Bertha-there's-nothing-wrong-hang-on-a-moment-while-i-try-to-murder-my-husband.

  17. I HATED The Cat in the Hat!!!!

    Check out my TTT.

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

  18. This post is a riot! I would love for you to share it at this week's Friendship Friday at Create With Joy - the theme is Books so it could not be more perfect! Plus, this meme is new to me, and I'd love to check it out in the future!

    Have a fabulous weekend!

    Create With Joy

  19. Great list!! I'm still laughing!

  20. Fantastic list! I agree with all of them. Also, that cover of Jane Eyre is especially creepy!

  21. I chose that cover of Jane Eyre because it made Bertha look so crazy.

  22. Completely, wholeheartedly agree with you about Nancy Drew. I do not understand these paragon-of-perfection women in children's books. Nobody is THAT perfect!

    (Ditto on Bella Swan. Just...eurgh.)


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