End of Event Meme:
- Which hour was most daunting for you? At midnight, I turned back into a pumpkin and fell asleep.
- Could you list a few high-interest books that you think could keep a Reader engaged for next year? All of my children's easy readers and early chapter books were perfect reads for the Read-a-thon. Unfortunately, I read them all just before midnight.
- Do you have any suggestions for how to improve the Read-a-thon next year? It is perfect just as it is.
- What do you think worked really well in this year’s Read-a-thon? I was a crazy Rogue Cheerleader.
- How many books did you read? 21
- What were the names of the books you read? Robot Burp Head Smartypants!
Woodward and McTwee
Mr. Pants: It's Go Time!
Ten Eggs in a Nest
Eerie Elementary: The School is Alive!
Monkey Me and the Golden Monkey
Enchanted Sisters: Autumn's Secret Gift
Moldylocks and the Three Beards
Pigsticks and Harold and the Incredible Journey
Fly Away
Marty McGuire Has Too Many Pets!
The Chicken Squad: The First Misadventure
Lulu and the Rabbit Next Door
Princess Posey and the First Grade Boys
Like Carrot Juice on a Cupcake
Number One Sam
Pete the Cat: A Pet for Pete
Annika Riz, Math Whiz
The School at the Chalet
Love Letters to the Dead
- Which book did you enjoy most? Every book was very, very good.
- Which did you enjoy least? NA
- If you were a Cheerleader, do you have any advice for next year’s Cheerleaders? Make sure you are officially signed up. And don't wait until the night before to check!
- How likely are you to participate in the Read-a-thon again? What role would you be likely to take next time? 100%
HOUR 23 and 24
Currently reading: Love Letters to the Dead
Books finished: 20 books
Running total of pages read: 1831 pages
Running total of time spent reading: 18 hours
Running total of time spent sleeping: 4 hours
Snacks: Lots of less-than-nutritious snacks
Running total of blogs visited: 200
Songs sung: 21
"Know that I've tried my very best....If I could reach higher...."
HOUR 20, 21, 22, AND 23
Currently reading: Love Letters to the Dead
Books finished: 20 books
Robot Burp Head Smartypants!
Woodward and McTwee
Mr. Pants: It's Go Time!
Ten Eggs in a Nest
Eerie Elementary: The School is Alive!
Monkey Me and the Golden Monkey
Enchanted Sisters: Autumn's Secret Gift
Moldylocks and the Three Beards
Pigsticks and Harold and the Incredible Journey
Fly Away
Marty McGuire Has Too Many Pets!
The Chicken Squad: The First Misadventure
Lulu and the Rabbit Next Door
Princess Posey and the First Grade Boys
Like Carrot Juice on a Cupcake
Number One Sam
Pete the Cat: A Pet for Pete
Annika Riz, Math Whiz
The School at the Chalet
Running total of pages read: 1831 pages
Running total of time spent reading: 18 hours
Snacks: 7 fun size bags of M&Ms,
1/4 of a carton of Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream,
2 cups of coffee, a bottled water, a chocolate bar,
3 slices of jalapeño and pineapple pizza
Running total of blogs visited: 200
Songs sung: 20
Wouldn't be much of a readathon without this song!
Currently reading: Love Letters to the Dead
Books finished: 20 books
Robot Burp Head Smartypants!
Woodward and McTwee
Mr. Pants: It's Go Time!
Ten Eggs in a Nest
Eerie Elementary: The School is Alive!
Monkey Me and the Golden Monkey
Enchanted Sisters: Autumn's Secret Gift
Moldylocks and the Three Beards
Pigsticks and Harold and the Incredible Journey
Fly Away
Marty McGuire Has Too Many Pets!
The Chicken Squad: The First Misadventure
Lulu and the Rabbit Next Door
Princess Posey and the First Grade Boys
Like Carrot Juice on a Cupcake
Number One Sam
Pete the Cat: A Pet for Pete
Annika Riz, Math Whiz
The School at the Chalet
Running total of pages read: 1831 pages
Running total of time spent reading: 17 hours
Snacks: 7 fun size bags of M&Ms,
1/4 of a carton of Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream,
2 cups of coffee, a bottled water, a chocolate bar,
3 slices of jalapeño and pineapple pizza
Running total of blogs visited: 185
Songs sung: 19
Don't stop believing!
Currently reading: The School at the Chalet
Books finished: 19 books
Robot Burp Head Smartypants!
Woodward and McTwee
Mr. Pants: It's Go Time!
Ten Eggs in a Nest
Eerie Elementary: The School is Alive!
Monkey Me and the Golden Monkey
Enchanted Sisters: Autumn's Secret Gift
Moldylocks and the Three Beards
Pigsticks and Harold and the Incredible Journey
Fly Away
Marty McGuire Has Too Many Pets!
The Chicken Squad: The First Misadventure
Lulu and the Rabbit Next Door
Princess Posey and the First Grade Boys
Like Carrot Juice on a Cupcake
Number One Sam
Pete the Cat: A Pet for Pete
Annika Riz, Math Whiz
Running total of pages read: 1626 pages
Running total of time spent reading: 16 hours
Snacks: 7 fun size bags of M&Ms,
1/4 of a carton of Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream,
2 cups of coffee, a bottled water, a chocolate bar,
3 slices of jalapeño and pineapple pizza
Running total of blogs visited: 180
Songs sung: 18
"I get knocked down, but I get up again. You're never gonna keep me down."
Currently reading: The School at the Chalet
Books finished: 19 books
Robot Burp Head Smartypants!
Woodward and McTwee
Mr. Pants: It's Go Time!
Ten Eggs in a Nest
Eerie Elementary: The School is Alive!
Monkey Me and the Golden Monkey
Enchanted Sisters: Autumn's Secret Gift
Moldylocks and the Three Beards
Pigsticks and Harold and the Incredible Journey
Fly Away
Marty McGuire Has Too Many Pets!
The Chicken Squad: The First Misadventure
Lulu and the Rabbit Next Door
Princess Posey and the First Grade Boys
Like Carrot Juice on a Cupcake
Number One Sam
Pete the Cat: A Pet for Pete
Annika Riz, Math Whiz
Running total of pages read: 1626 pages
Running total of time spent reading: 15 hours
Snacks: 7 fun size bags of M&Ms,
1/4 of a carton of Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream,
2 cups of coffee, a bottled water, a chocolate bar,
3 slices of jalapeño and pineapple pizza
Running total of blogs visited: 175
Songs sung: 17
Let's get up and stand up...and don't give up the fight.
Currently reading: Number One Sam
Books finished: 16 books
Robot Burp Head Smartypants!
Woodward and McTwee
Mr. Pants: It's Go Time!
Ten Eggs in a Nest
Eerie Elementary: The School is Alive!
Monkey Me and the Golden Monkey
Enchanted Sisters: Autumn's Secret Gift
Moldylocks and the Three Beards
Pigsticks and Harold and the Incredible Journey
Fly Away
Marty McGuire Has Too Many Pets!
The Chicken Squad: The First Misadventure
Lulu and the Rabbit Next Door
Princess Posey and the First Grade Boys
Like Carrot Juice on a Cupcake
Running total of pages read: 1436 pages
Running total of time spent reading: 14 hours
Snacks: 4 fun size bags of M&Ms,
1/4 of a carton of Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream,
a cup of coffee, a bottled water, a chocolate bar,
3 slices of jalapeño and pineapple pizza
Running total of blogs visited: 170
Songs sung: 16
"It's getting harder to stay awake, and my strength is fading fast...." but stayAwake and Alive...You can do it!
Currently reading: Like Carrot Juice on a Cupcake
Books finished: 15 books
Robot Burp Head Smartypants!
Woodward and McTwee
Mr. Pants: It's Go Time!
Ten Eggs in a Nest
Eerie Elementary: The School is Alive!
Monkey Me and the Golden Monkey
Enchanted Sisters: Autumn's Secret Gift
Moldylocks and the Three Beards
Pigsticks and Harold and the Incredible Journey
Fly Away
Marty McGuire Has Too Many Pets!
The Chicken Squad: The First Misadventure
Lulu and the Rabbit Next Door
Princess Posey and the First Grade Boys
Running total of pages read: 1253 pages
Running total of time spent reading: 13 hours
Snacks: 3 fun size bags of M&Ms,
1/4 of a carton of Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream,
a cup of coffee, a bottled water, a chocolate bar,
3 slices of jalapeño and pineapple pizza
Running total of blogs visited: 155
Songs sung: 15
"There's hope in front of me...." Keep going!
Mid-Event Survey:
1. What are you reading right now? Princess Posey and the First Grade Boys
2. How many books have you read so far? 14
3. What book are you most looking forward to for the second half of the Read-a-thon? Annika Riz, Math Whiz
4. Have you had many interruptions? How did you deal with those? Nada. Happily.
5. What surprises you most about the Read-a-thon, so far? How much I love focusing on reading and visiting blogs.
Currently reading: Princess Posey and the First Grade Boys
Books finished: 14 books
Robot Burp Head Smartypants!
Woodward and McTwee
Mr. Pants: It's Go Time!
Ten Eggs in a Nest
Eerie Elementary: The School is Alive!
Monkey Me and the Golden Monkey
Enchanted Sisters: Autumn's Secret Gift
Moldylocks and the Three Beards
Pigsticks and Harold and the Incredible Journey
Fly Away
Marty McGuire Has Too Many Pets!
The Chicken Squad: The First Misadventure
Lulu and the Rabbit Next Door
Running total of pages read: 1168 pages
Running total of time spent reading: 12 hours
Snacks: 3 fun size bags of M&Ms,
1/4 of a carton of Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream,
a cup of coffee, a bottled water, a chocolate bar,
3 slices of jalapeño and pineapple pizza
Running total of blogs visited: 135
Songs sung: 14
We will survive....keep on reading...
Currently reading: Lulu and the Rabbit Next Door
Books finished: 13 books
Robot Burp Head Smartypants!
Woodward and McTwee
Mr. Pants: It's Go Time!
Ten Eggs in a Nest
Eerie Elementary: The School is Alive!
Monkey Me and the Golden Monkey
Enchanted Sisters: Autumn's Secret Gift
Moldylocks and the Three Beards
Pigsticks and Harold and the Incredible Journey
Fly Away
Marty McGuire Has Too Many Pets!
The Chicken Squad: The First Misadventure
Running total of pages read: 1077 pages
Running total of time spent reading: 11 hours
Snacks: 3 fun size bags of M&Ms,
1/4 of a carton of Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream,
a cup of coffee, a bottled water, a chocolate bar
Running total of blogs visited: 130
Songs sung: 13
We are doing alright for the shape we are in. Close to the halfway mark!
Currently reading: Lulu and the Rabbit Next Door
Books finished: 13 books
Robot Burp Head Smartypants!
Woodward and McTwee
Mr. Pants: It's Go Time!
Ten Eggs in a Nest
Eerie Elementary: The School is Alive!
Monkey Me and the Golden Monkey
Enchanted Sisters: Autumn's Secret Gift
Moldylocks and the Three Beards
Pigsticks and Harold and the Incredible Journey
Fly Away
Marty McGuire Has Too Many Pets!
The Chicken Squad: The First Misadventure
Running total of pages read: 1077 pages
Running total of time spent reading: 10 hours
Snacks: 3 fun size bags of M&Ms,
1/4 of a carton of Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream,
a cup of coffee, a bottled water, a chocolate bar
Running total of blogs visited: 115
Songs sung: 12
"Try to hold on...."
Currently reading: The Chicken Squad: The First Misadventure
Books finished: 12 books
Robot Burp Head Smartypants!
Woodward and McTwee
Mr. Pants: It's Go Time!
Ten Eggs in a Nest
Eerie Elementary: The School is Alive!
Monkey Me and the Golden Monkey
Enchanted Sisters: Autumn's Secret Gift
Moldylocks and the Three Beards
Pigsticks and Harold and the Incredible Journey
Fly Away
Marty McGuire Has Too Many Pets!
Running total of pages read: 985 pages
Running total of time spent reading: 9 hours
Snacks: 3 fun size bags of M&Ms,
1/4 of a carton of Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream,
a cup of coffee, a bottled water, a chocolate bar
Running total of blogs visited: 105
Songs sung: 11
Yes, keep going and we shall overcome.
Currently reading: Marty McGuire Has Too Many Pets!
Books finished: 11 books
Robot Burp Head Smartypants!
Woodward and McTwee
Mr. Pants: It's Go Time!
Ten Eggs in a Nest
Eerie Elementary: The School is Alive!
Monkey Me and the Golden Monkey
Enchanted Sisters: Autumn's Secret Gift
Moldylocks and the Three Beards
Pigsticks and Harold and the Incredible Journey
Fly Away
Running total of pages read: 815 pages
Running total of time spent reading: 8 hours
Snacks: 3 fun size bags of M&Ms,
1/4 of a carton of Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream,
a cup of coffee, a bottled water, a chocolate bar
Running total of blogs visited: 100
Songs sung: 10
"I keep on rising up...I keep on rising up...every day I'm rising up...." Hang in there.
Currently reading: Fly Away by Patricia MacLachlan
Books finished: 10 books
Robot Burp Head Smartypants!
Woodward and McTwee
Mr. Pants: It's Go Time!
Ten Eggs in a Nest
Eerie Elementary: The School is Alive!
Monkey Me and the Golden Monkey
Enchanted Sisters: Autumn's Secret Gift
Moldylocks and the Three Beards
Pigsticks and Harold and the Incredible Journey
Running total of pages read: 707 pages
Running total of time spent reading: 7 hours
Snacks: 3 fun size bags of M&Ms,
1/4 of a carton of Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream,
a cup of coffee, a bottled water
Running total of blogs visited: 90
Songs sung: 9
A little reminder to Move Along for our Song of Perseverance this hour:
Currently reading: Pigsticks and Harold and the Incredible Journey
Books finished: 9 books
Robot Burp Head Smartypants!
Woodward and McTwee
Mr. Pants: It's Go Time!
Ten Eggs in a Nest
Eerie Elementary: The School is Alive!
Monkey Me and the Golden Monkey
Enchanted Sisters: Autumn's Secret Gift
Moldylocks and the Three Beards
Running total of pages read: 629 pages
Running total of time spent reading: 6 hours
Snacks: 3 fun size bags of M&Ms,
1/4 of a carton of Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream,
a cup of coffee, a bottled water
Running total of blogs visited: 70
Songs sung: 8
Time to Roll With It, Baby:
Currently reading: Moldylocks and the Three Beards
Books finished: 8 books
Robot Burp Head Smartypants!
Woodward and McTwee
Mr. Pants: It's Go Time!
Ten Eggs in a Nest
Eerie Elementary: The School is Alive!
Monkey Me and the Golden Monkey
Enchanted Sisters: Autumn's Secret Gift
Running total of pages read: 557 pages
Running total of time spent reading: 5 hours
Snacks: 3 fun size bags of M&Ms,
1/4 of a carton of Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream,
a cup of coffee
Running total of blogs visited: 60
Songs sung: 7
Let's see if Demi Lovato can keep us in the game with Can't Back Down:
Currently reading: Enchanted Sisters: Autumn's Secret Gift
Books finished: Robot Burp Head Smartypants!
Woodward and McTwee
Mr. Pants: It's Go Time!
Ten Eggs in a Nest
Eerie Elementary: The School is Alive!
Monkey Me and the Golden Monkey
Running total of pages read: 434
Running total of time spent reading: 4 hours
Snacks: 3 fun size bags of M&Ms,
1/4 of a carton of Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream
Running total of blogs visited: 50
Songs sung: 6
Starting to falter a bit? "We lose our way...we get back up again...It's never too late to get back up again...." Here's Get Back Up Again by Toby Mac:
Currently reading: Enchanted Sisters: Autumn's Secret Gift
Books finished: Robot Burp Head Smartypants!
Woodward and McTwee
Mr. Pants: It's Go Time!
Ten Eggs in a Nest
Eerie Elementary: The School is Alive!
Monkey Me and the Golden Monkey
Running total of pages read: 434
Running total of time spent reading: 3 hours
Snacks: 2 fun size bags of M&Ms,
1/4 of a carton of Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream
Running total of blogs visited: 50
Songs sung: 5
And just 'cause I'm from Texas, the Song of Perseverance of the hour....
Currently reading: Eerie Elementary: The School is Alive!
Books finished: Robot Burp Head Smartypants!
Woodward and McTwee
Mr. Pants: It's Go Time!
Ten Eggs in a Nest
Running total of pages read: 254
Running total of time spent reading: 2 hours
Snacks: 2 fun size bags of M&Ms
Running total of blogs visited: 30
Songs sung: 4
More song inspiration, this time from Frank Sinatra.
"So any time you're gettin' low, 'stead of lettin' go, just remember that ant....Oops! There goes another rubber tree plant!"
Currently reading: Ten Eggs in a Nest
Books finished: Robot Burp Head Smartypants!
Woodward and McTwee
Mr. Pants: It's Go Time!
Running total of pages read: 192
Running total of time spent reading: 1 hour
Snacks: 1 fun size bag of M&Ms
Running total of blogs visited: 20
Songs sung: 3
I play this song every morning to get me going and I think it works well for the Readathon:
Opening Meme:
1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today? I'm here in Alvin, Texas in the US of A.
2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to? All of the Cybils Easy Reader/Early Chapter Book nominees.
3) Which snack are you most looking forward to? My amazing husband bought me two cartons of Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream and a 50 pack of M&Ms for the readathon. Wow!
4) Tell us a little something about yourself! I'm a primary school librarian, a reader, and a blogger. I love to read happiness books, travel stories, literary fiction and nonfiction, poetry, and children's books.
5) If you participated in the last read-a-thon, what’s one thing you’ll do different today? If this is your first read-a-thon, what are you most looking forward to? The last two times I hosted the readathon for a few hours (very fun!) This time I'm hoping to stop in all the blogs on the list and say hello (700+) and read. I'm going to sing along with a Song About Perseverance each hour in the hopes I will make it all 24 hours.
Here is Hour 1 Song of Perseverance to inspire us:
Denise from
Flamingo House Happenings says, "Dewey's is better than (insert your favorite holiday here)." And I agree.
I organize my life around the twice-yearly Dewey's 24-Hour Readathon. It is the first blogging event I participated in as a blogger (in June of 2008!) and it is still my favorite. I've joined in fourteen times and every time it's been a ride. I've tried reading children's Christmas books and nonfiction Cybils nominees and books in French and 1001 Children's Books You Must Read. Twice I've had to break away to attend a bridal shower and one time I had to go to a library conference during the 'Thon. Once a severe cold snap knocked out our Internet connection and I had to seek out Starbucks in order to post. I've hosted twice (very fun), ran a mini-challenge once, and offered prizes many times, and this time I plan to read and cheer others on.
In all these times, I've only managed to make it through all twenty-four hours one time. Maybe this year will be my second time. To inspire me to read all twenty-four hours this year, I'm planning to listen each hour to a
Song of Perseverance.
I'm hoping to sing my way through the Readathon, if you will.
(1) Read the 19 Cybils I've managed to accumulate so far.
(2) Visit all participating blogs (725? Eek!)
(3) Make an infographic for my final blog post.
Let's get this show on the road! Let's get to what we are here for...Reading!
Here's my Song of Perseverance to kick off Readathon:
Handy links:
Dewey's 24-Hour Readathon
List of Participants in Readathon
Readathon Twitter Feed
Readathon Facebook
Readathon Instagram
Reading Log Tracker
Readathon Hourly Update