Sunday, October 30, 2016

Why October is a Book Crazy Month

Why is October such a book crazy month? Well, we've had...

 ...the Inprint Houston book readings of Ann Patchett and Lauren Groff...

...Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon...

...the Cybils...

...our Scholastic Book Fair...

...Literacy Night and Dress as a Book Character Day. Quite a month.

Next weekend isn't October but the book frenzy continues as we will be heading to Austin for the Texas Book Festival.

What Arrived in My Mailbox This Week

What I Read This Week

Reviews coming soon.

What are you reading today?

What is the Sunday SalonImagine some university library's vast reading room. It's filled with people--students and faculty and strangers who've wandered in. They're seated at great oaken desks, books piled all around them,and they're all feverishly reading and jotting notes in their leather-bound journals as they go. Later they'll mill around the open dictionaries and compare their thoughts on the afternoon's literary intake....That's what happens at the Sunday Salon, except it's all virtual. Every Sunday the bloggers participating in that week's Salon get together--at their separate desks, in their own particular time zones--and read. And blog about their reading. And comment on one another's blogs. Think of it as an informal, weekly, mini read-a-thon, an excuse to put aside one's earthly responsibilities and fall into a good book. Click here to join the Salon.

The Sunday Post is a meme hosted by Kimba at Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It's a chance to share news and recap the past week.

Mailbox Monday was created by Marcia at The Printed Page. We share books that we found in our mailboxes last week. 
 It is now being hosted here.

Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews in which you can share the books you've acquired.

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is where we share what we read this past week, what we hope to read this week…. and anything in between!  This is a great way to plan out your reading week and see what others are currently reading as well… you never know where that next “must read” book will come from! I love being a part of this and I hope you do too! It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is now being hosted at The Book Date.


  1. October sounds like it's been a wonderfully bookish month for you! Wish we had some of those activities around here. I'm reading The Emperor's Children by Claire Messud today and enjoying it even more than expected.

  2. You have been busy. Love to read your blog.

    1. Yes, I just lay down and slept for most of the afternoon. I never do that. I was tired.

  3. Enjoy all those books...and I am loving mine, too, as well as anticipating the goodies I ordered with my gift card. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  4. Wow! You sure were busy this week! Glad you went to the Book fair! I miss those days...

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Catch you over @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays!

  5. That is a lot of activity! Hope the Texas book festival is awesome.

  6. It's been raining most of this weekend, which justified staying inside all day reading Justinian's Flea, a history of the plague that struck Constantinople in the sixth century and Leviathan Wakes a good old space opera science fiction. I'll do more serious reading later.

  7. Love your "Dress Like a Book Character" Day. Such cute costumes.

  8. This would be the reason that I don't have book fair anymore. We have fewer and fewer people at conferences, so we only made Scholastic cash. I earn more from Boxtops. It just wasn't worth it anymore!

  9. Wow! What a month! Glad you had such an enjoyable one.

  10. I need to get a copy of 365 Days of Wonder for my granddaughter. Maybe I'll read it before I pass it on to her. I loved Wonder!

  11. Those books you received look quite good, Deb. In addition to all those other things, the Texas Book Festival must be the icing on the top. Happy Halloween!

  12. I hope you like The Marvelous Thing That Came From a Spring. It's a fun one! Enjoy the Book Festival!

  13. It sounds like your month has been very busy and bookish. I'm finding that I enjoy reading both adult and kidlit these days.

  14. October DOES seem to be a book crazy month--and I didn't have half what you had going on! Oh well, there are definitely worse problems than too many books!

  15. What a month! Your months are always busy with bookish activities. Mine has been filled with mid-term grading, grades given (and of course are essays and have to be graded) to bring up grades after poor mid-term papers, serious reading, The Train to Crystal City and The True American: Murder and Mercy in Texas. Thank goodness for The Thoughtful Dresser, non-fiction, but fun as well as thought provoking. Have also tried out several new recipes for those hours of lost sleep.

  16. Well it might have been a busy month, but all things books has to be fun if sometimes a little tiring! Must make a note of the Palacio book because I am sure I would love her quotes.

  17. Looks like you got some great book mail! I can't keep The Dork Diaries books on my shelves! I have a lot of students who will be thrilled there's a new one coming.

  18. I've been all over the place lately Deb. I've posted 6 days one week and 2 days the next.

    October felt very very busy!

  19. I've read Wonder, and I loved it... haven't read 365 days though!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  20. Sounds like a terrific (if exhausting) month. Highlights for me include my daughter dressing as Luna Lovegood for Halloween, and one of my staunches "I hate reading" students finding a book he wants to read. I'm reading Chris Crutcher's Stotan! and listening to Pillars of the Earth during my commute.

  21. Looking forward to reading 365 days of wonder. :)

  22. Have fun at the festival.
    sherry @ fundinmental My Sunday Memes


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