Saturday, January 23, 2021

🌟A Reread of A Gentleman in Moscow🌟, 🌟The Bookmobile🌟, and 🌟"Even the Air Feels Cleaner Now"🌟


It happened. And it took place peacefully. I don't know about you, but I cried all through the ceremony, as our new vice-president was sworn in, as our new president was sworn in, as beautiful songs were sung, as our new president spoke about his promises, as our new national poet laureate read. As my sister-in-law said to me, "Even the air feels cleaner now."

The Moon Was the Best by Charlotte Zolotow (Picture Book; Paris)
Paddle-to-the-Sea by Holling C. Holling (Picture book; Caldecott finalist)
A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles (Reread)
The Pursuit of Love by Nancy Mitford (Classic)
Miss Benson's Beetle by Rachel Joyce (Fiction)

Be More Japan by DK Travel (Nonfiction)
Rabbityness by Jo Empson (Picture Book)

A good reading week in which I finished three excellent novels. The reread of A Gentleman in Moscow---I noted good quotes, thought about the idea of a gentleman, considered America from Russia-of-the-time's point-of-view, discussed the book with our book club---was especially wonderful.

The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri (Chapter-a-Day Read-along)
Yes, and...Daily Meditations by Richard Rohr (Daily Meditation Reading)
Before the Coffee Gets Cold by Toshikazu Kawaguchi (Japanese Literature Challenge)
Ex Libris: 100+ Books to Read and Reread (Book-About-Books)
The Sea Around Us by Rachel Carson (Naturalist Book Club)
The Atlas of Happiness by Helen Russell (Nonfiction)
On the Narrow Road to the Deep North by Leslie Downer (Japanese Lit Challenge; Nonfiction)

Take a look at this story of one middle-grade reading teacher, our friend Wendy from Falconer's Library, @WendyGassaway, delivering books to her students: The Bookmobile.

Coming Soon! Multicultural Children's Book Day on January 29, 2021. #readyourworld. A chance to get more diversity into homes, libraries, schools.

We saw all the All Creatures Great and Small (original series) that our library had on DVD, so we had to subscribe to BritBox to finish the last four seasons. We are so enjoying this old tv series. Have you seen it? Have you watched any of the new series? 

Good Thing #1:
"Before God and all of you, I give you my word I will always level with you. I will defend the Constitution. I’ll defend our democracy. I’ll defend America. And I will give all, all of you, keep everything you--I do in your service, thinking not of power but of possibilities, not of personal interest but the public good. And together, we shall write an American story of hope, not fear; of unity, not division; of light, not darkness; a story of decency and dignity, love and healing, greatness and goodness."

Good Thing #2:
"But the American story depends not in any one of us, not on some of us, but on all of us. On we, the people who seek a more perfect union. This is a great nation. We are good people. And over the centuries, through storm and strife, in peace and in war, we’ve come so far, but we still have far to go."

Good Thing #3:
"Some days when you need a hand, there are other days when we are called to lend a hand. That is how it has to be, and that is what we do for one another, and if we are this way, our country will be stronger, more prosperous, more ready for the future, and we can still disagree."

I'm happy you found your way to the Sunday Salon. Sunday Salon is a place for us to link up and to share what we have been doing during the week. It's a great way to visit other blogs and join in the conversations going on there. 

Some of the things we often talk about at the Sunday Salon:

  • What was your week like?
  • Read any good books? Tell us about them.
  • What other bookish things did you do? 
  • What else is going on in your life?

Other places where you may like to link up over the weekend are below. Click on the picture to visit the site.

My linkup for Sunday Salon is below.


  1. I love your current reading list, as well as the Gentleman in Moscow! Your quotes are inspiring... we all have something to be very happy about this week, and the quotes are the basic reason. I believe we will be stronger, more prosperous, more ready for the future, and have a more just and moral society now that the 4-year nightmare is over.

    be safe... mae at

  2. I REALLY need to add "A Gentleman in Moscow" to my list! How did you like "The Pursuit of Love." I know they are making a mini-series of it with Lily James. I really am loving the new "All Creatures" but still can't quite connect to "Leslie" from the "Durrells" as Tristan, compared to Peter Davison. On Acorn there is a series where Davison and the original James, Christopher Timothy, do drives around England. It might be on Britbox too -- can't remember the name. Happy Weekend!

    1. I love The Pursuit of Love, and I plan to read Love in a Cold Climate, Pursuit's sequel, as soon as I can find a copy.

  3. Yes, it happened. I, too, cried through the whole ceremony. What a beautiful day, filled with so much joy. I loved watching our new President and Vice President getting sworn in, and I loved the music, which filled my heart with joy, but it was that amazing Amanda Gorman who stole the show and made me so hopeful for our youth. What an inspiration. I plan to buy her books.

    Excellent quotes. Thank you for sharing them here.

    I've read A Gentleman in Moscow twice now, too. It's one of my all-time favorite books.

  4. It was a very good week for so many reasons and your sister-in-law is right, the air does feel cleaner and full of hope.

    We watched the old "All Creatures Great and Small" years ago when it was on PBS. I haven't been able to commit myself to watching the new series. Perhaps I will at some point.

    1. We are deep into Season 4 of the old ACGS, and I'm tempted to move to Yorkshire. Well, the Yorkshire of the 1930s and 40s anyway. Those wonderful, fully-human Yorkshire people. And the animals, of course.

  5. Such a breath of fresh air!

    Looks like you are coming along on your reading challenges! I've heard great things about Gentleman in Moscow. I will have to add it higher to my TBR pile.

    I just started the new version of All Creatures Great and Small and think it's so cute.

    Great quotes from the inauguration! Have a lovely week!

  6. I think the majority of the world breathed a collective sigh of relief as the change in power happened.

    I’ve not watched the new All Creatures but I loved watching the older one when it was originally on.

    Have a lovely week and stay safe!

    1. I feel like we got very, very close to losing our democracy.

  7. Deb, we have Paddle to the Sea, and also Tree in the Trail and Minn of the Mississippi (about a turtle) by Holling Clancy Holling. We saved about 50 or 60 of the children's books we bought when my son was young, either for the text or the illustrations.

    I agree that A Gentleman in Moscow is worth a reread, I will be keeping my copy for that reason.

    1. It's the first time I read Paddle-to-the-Sea. I read a recent review and it said contemporary children wouldn't be able to sit still for it. Maybe that should be a national goal. To be able to enjoy a very long book. Maybe it's something we need as a people.

  8. I'm glad you had a good reading week. I've added a few books to my Kindle that look promising.

    1. It's the first time in a long time that I've been enjoying fiction.

  9. Yes, the air is cleaner. I called my best friend immediately after the inauguration to say, "Is it just me? Or is it easier to breathe now?" The clean air is easier to breathe, isn't it?

    1. You are so right, Bonnie. And now let's do everything we can to keep that air clean for the future.

  10. Oops! I accidentally linked the wrong post initially. I don't know if there is a way to delete it, but if so, feel free, Deb. I am sorry about that.

    I thought the inauguration ceremony was beautiful. I agree with your sister-in-law. The air really did seem cleaner somehow. It sounds like you had a great reading week! I am glad you were able to get so much reading in.

    I hope you have a great week!

    1. I saw you had an old link and I was off to modify it when I realized you'd added the second link. That's perfect!

      Now, on my list of Probably Impossible Goals for America, I'd like to see those who drifted into dangerous ground come to see the awfulness of that place and come join us in working together for the good of all peoples.

  11. I was definitely teary-eyed through the inauguration too. Of course, I was watching it at school, so I had to maintain my cool exterior in front of my eighth graders! I feel like a great weight has been lifted from my shoulders.

    You had a really great reading week. Nice! I've never read A Gentleman in Moscow, but everyone is talking about it so positively here that I think I'll have to give it a try at some point.

    1. These last four years have been awful, and I'm so glad we have been able to come out on the other side.

  12. I found seeing them sworn in emotional as well, especially Harris. You look like you're having a good reading January!

    1. The inauguration of Harris was particularly poignant for me, too.

  13. I loved watching the inauguration. I was so choked up and emotional throughout. It was so beautifully done. Very inspirational too.

    Hope you have a great week!

    1. Inspiration to be better than we are is one of the things I need from our leaders.

  14. Deb, you are so sweet! I actually am thinking I might adapt that blog post to submit to our local council of teachers of English magazine, and your enthusiasm for it is giving me the courage to go for it.

    I didn't catch all of the inauguration, but I lucked out and saw Amanda Gorman's poem. Incredible. Our country still has so much work to do to overcome the problems that led to so many people supporting 45 in the first place, but it sure feels good to have science and eloquence back!

    1. I love the idea of submitting your post to the magazine. I wish I were better at sharing your story with others. No one knows how hard teachers work, and you are one of those who is working at peak capacity.

  15. I felt like a huge weight that I didn't even know I'd been carrying had been lifted from me as soon as Kamala was sworn in. And what an empowering feeling it was to see a woman taking that oath. My tears we're delayed until the young fire captain recited and signed the Pledge. This was real. And then to end on such powerful words from Amanda Gorman!

    I really enjoyed The Rules of Civility but I haven't read A Gentleman in Moscow yet. I think there's always a wait list for it at the library.

    I haven't seen All Creatures but I love the books so much, I really want to.

    Enjoy your week!

    1. I am crying as I read through your remembrance of the events of that day. So inspiring to all of us.

      I was able to get Gentleman in Moscow during one of the Kindle sales.

  16. Loved the link to The Bookmobile. Wonderful. I have seen the original All Creatures Great and Small several times. I have the complete dvd set. I don't have access to the new series but can't imagine it is better than the original. I actually met James Herriot (James Wight) in the 1970s in Yorkshire. Pure serendipity and he signed my book. I adore everything about that series. All the best on your challenges.

    1. What a wonderful memory. Yes, I love everything about the series, too. The people. The setting. The animals.

      And Wendy's story in The Bookmobile is inspiring to all of us, I think.

  17. i thought the inauguration was awesome. so nice not to hear screaming and yelling. and i love they all got right down to business. good luck with your challenges

  18. I am looking forward to reading Before the Coffee Gets Cold. I have a few books I need to finish first but hopefully in another month or so.

    I felt so relieved on Wednesday. And gosh, seeing Kamala Harris there made me feel all kinds of emotions. I hope this is the beginning of a new phase and that this time around, we accept the diversity and not pull another Trump card by the end of this season.

    1. I completely agree with you. I hope our new leadership with continue to try to work together with others and end this time of divisiveness.

  19. You've reminded me that I must get a copy of A Gentleman in Moscow,it seems to have had such universal appeal. I see you are reading book two in the Rachel Carson Sea Trilogy, I read that one last summer and enjoyed it, though the first book Under the Sea-Wind remains my favourite. I have the third book to look forward to The Edge of the Sea, I'm saving it for this summer.

    So happy for the change in the air you are all experiencing, it's a global feeling.

    1. I had no idea there were other Rachel Carson books. I will look for them.

  20. I've been wanting to read A Gentleman in Moscow and I hope to read Before the Coffee Gets Cold soon. My daughter and I are watching Jamestowm but I'd also like to eventually watch All Creatures Great and Small. Enjoy your reading week!

    1. I haven't heard about Jamestown. I look forward to hearing more about it, Laura.

  21. I cried as well! And I watched Amanda Gorman read that poem a dozen times that day and a couple times since. She did an amazing job!

    I have The Sea Around Us on my list!

    Enjoy your week - and the cleaner air feeling!

    1. I think I could listen to that poem all day. Her reading of the poem was beautiful to watch.

  22. I'd love to read the books you read and those you are currently reading... I watched All creatures great and small last week (the new series) and loved it very much, so... I'd love to read the book ! Enjoy your week :)

    1. I reread the first book from All Creatures Great and Small last year. I intend to reread all of the books.

  23. There were a few tears shed up here in Canada as well, watching that classy inauguration. I loved every minute of it. I spent the next morning researching all the Biden and Harris family members.
    I have The Man in Moscow on my TBR list.

  24. I stayed awake and watched the ceremony live from about 4am to 6am, and I too felt a sense of relief.
    It’s been several years since I watched All Creatures Great and Small, but I did recently watch the remake season which I thought was good.

    Wishing you a great reading week

    1. I watched the ceremony on PBS with no commentary, and that was lovely.

  25. Hi Debbie! So glad to see you've enjoyed Miss Benson' Beetle so much. Such a lovely, lovely book! A Gentleman in Moscow is on my TBR list and fits in with my yearly challenge. Looking forward to it.

    I shall try to see if I can get the series Of All Creatures great and small. That must be lovely. Let's hope that the air truly is cleaner for America now.

    Have a wonderful week lovely Debbie.

    Lots of Love,

    Mareli & Elza

    1. I am sure we will continue to have some problems; there's still at least one big T flag in my neighborhood. But I was completely delighted to see that most of the T flags have been replaced with flags of the USA.

  26. Delivering books to kids is a fantastic thing to do. We have a libary in our building and its all a matter of time before kids find it and seek the great ideas of our time through books.

  27. I'm glad to hear you liked a Gentleman in Moscow so much that you are reading ot again. It's on my library hold list and I thinnk I am getting close to getting the book.
    I love All Creatures Great and Small. The books are wonderful and we have watched the old series but not the new one. Our son Tristan loves the series too :-)

  28. I really want to read a Gentleman in Moscow, it's been on my tbr for ages. I'm glad to see you liked it, though!
    Before the Coffee Gets Cold was one of my favourite books last year, I hope you enjoyed it too! I'm excited to read the sequel and watch the film when I get my hands on it.

    Have a wonderful week!

  29. As a non-American, I felt a huge surge of relief at seeing the Inauguration go off safely, with such dignity and aplomb - words that have been missing in the last 4 years to describe anything to do with the US President... So I can only imagine how you must be feeling. I hope you have a happy and peaceful week, Deb.

    1. Thank you, my friend. All of us are in this world together.

  30. I like your good things. I hope you have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Our new president's inaugural speech was everything I needed to hear.

  31. Hmm, I think my first comment disappeared. Anyway... it happened! I am so happy and relieved, and most definitely shed a tear or two. A Gentleman in Moscow was a favorite a few years ago and is on my list for an eventual reread. I still think about the Count from time to time. Have a good week!

  32. YOU had a good week, too. I'm glad. I'd like to learn how to do the books, smaller, and in a line. Are you using Cavas or what dearie? Is it expensive?

    1. I use Canva and I only use the free parts. Well, I did break down and buy an image or two.

  33. I would LOVE to learn how to do the chart of the reading challenges update!!! What a time saver!

  34. A wonderful week indeed, and love all your 3 good things! I gifted Gentleman in Moscow to a friend who loves reading and both he and his wife loved it..I hope to get to it soon :)

    1. I want to ride the happiness from the inauguration for as long as I can.

  35. I, too, cried throughout the day on Wednesday. I loved the comment your sister-in-law made about fresh air. I read something about Biden being so boring he probably won't make the front page very often. Won't that be wonderful?

    1. I am ready for boring. There's something to be said for boring.

  36. I read The Gentleman in Moscow last year and was surprised by just how much I enjoyed it. I'm sure it'd be an amazing reread as their are so many details that I'm sure I missed the first time around. I've watched a few minutes of the new series and I think it has a lot of promise. I never watched the original series but I did read the book and remember loving it though I don't remember much about it. One I should definitely reread. I hope you have a wonderful week!

    1. The author of All Creatures Great and Small is a wonderful storyteller. Of course he also had such good material to work with.

  37. Great list of books. I have read A Gentleman in Moscow (in Swedish) so will re-read it in English. I think it is the best book I have ever read. I finished The Divine Comedy last year. It has been on my shelves for ages. I liked it. Still feels rather fresh after all these eyars.

    1. I thought A Gentleman in Moscow was a rich read, and I enjoyed rereading it even more than I did during the original read.

  38. Since a nice variety of books. I don't do challenges but like to see your progress on the ones you chose. Wednesday was such a hopeful day but, somehow, "unity" only means doing it the way the Republicans want which could be a problem. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. I hope that new leadership will bring people back to working together, especially as we have a common enemy, the virus.

  39. I love your Three Good Things.

    I had a lighter feeling this week, now that we are out from under the violence and chaos...for a while, anyway.

    Enjoy your week and your bookish events!

  40. Well, I got a Sunday Salon posted, but I forgot to come here and link up. Better late than never, I guess.

  41. I really adored Gentleman when I read it. I don't know what happened to the movie that was supposed to star Kenneth Branagh but I hope it gets made. I think he would make a great Count.

  42. I felt like the inauguration was such a breath of fresh air! And I love the sound of BritBox. I've been wanting to settle in and watch some British shows. Need to find some free time for that haha!

  43. I never watched the original series of All Creatures Great and Small, but we have been watching the new one and I'm quite enjoying it!

  44. I don't reread very often, but A Gentleman in Moscow would definitely be one I would read again! I didn't ever see All Creatures Great and Small, but I remember loving the books, and I'm not really an animal person.

  45. I do remember All Creatures Great and Small being on TV so long ago. Great that you had three good books read this week. It was a good week all round I think in the USA!

  46. The air is cleaner & cleared now since Jan. 20 -- what a relief!! I can't wait to get to the Rachel Joyce Beetle novel. I'm glad you liked it. And as a kid, I loved Paddle to the Sea book .... what a classic. I also saw the film in school once ... Have you ever seen the 1966 film of it?? I need to find it again...

  47. Couldn't watch all of the inauguration as I had to work but really happy I was able to catch our VP being sworn in. So exciting! I love watching British detective shows so let us know if you find a good one to recommend. One of these days I have to read A Gentleman in Moscow.


I love to hear your thoughts.