Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Most Hyped Books about Paris I Haven't Yet Read

Il est Juillet et il est temps pour le merveilleux Paris in July!*

It has come to my attention that, although I have read many, many books set in Paris...
for example...

...there are many more books,
books that have been widely hyped as the best books about Paris,
many more books I have not yet read about Paris:

Have you read any of these? 
Which Paris-ish books should I definitely not miss?

*It is July and it's time for that wonderful Paris in July!

And I hope you'll stop by and throw your name in the hat
to win a finished hardback of Eight Hundred Grapes 
along with a clever little EHG coffee mug. 
Stop by here to win!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!

Each week we will post a new Top Ten list that one of our bloggers here at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join. All we ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND add your name to the Linky widget so that everyone can check out other bloggers lists! If you don't have a blog, just post your answers as a comment. Have fun with it! It's a fun way to get to know your fellow bloggers.


  1. I haven't heard of any books in your list. Okay maybe not, I recognize A Tale of Two Cities and The Hunchback of Notre Dame. I'll read this, soon because I think it's pretty great.

    My TTT

  2. I haven't heard of any books in your list. Okay maybe not, I recognize A Tale of Two Cities and The Hunchback of Notre Dame. I'll read this, soon because I think it's pretty great.

    My TTT

  3. Great post, of course I love it. Sad to say that I haven't read any of these books- the ones you have read, and the ones you haven't read yet. I have a few of them sitting on the TBR shelf naturally- there's just so so many amazing Paris books to read.

    1. You are right. Too many Paris books, too little time.

  4. I've read around half the books on the list. "Down and Out in Paris and London," "The Paris Wife," all the Zola books about Paris but especially "The Belly of Paris," and "A Tale of Two Cities" are excellent books, in my opinion. I SHOULD reread "Swann's Way," but don't know when -- SHOULD also read/reread some of the once-famous Paris books by DeBeauvoir and Sartre (not on your list). I also like many other Paris books, especially "City of Darkness, City of Light" by Marge Piercy, not on your list. Did you read "The Elegance of the Hedgehog" ? It's OK, I wondered if you thought it was too hyped.

    Thanks for commenting on my Paris in July post!

    1. You may win the title of Person Who Has Read the Most Books Set in Paris!

  5. There are definitely a lot of books set in Paris! I don't think I've read one! Well...maybe 1, but I can't quite remember if they were in Paris or came from it or just mentioned it! LOL!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  6. I have not read any of your unread books == it's a great list though! I think I need to read more books set in Paris.

  7. I actually just started reading Swann's Way--it will probably take me a long time to finish, but I'm enjoying it so far. (Also, I know you've already read it, but I *adore* All the Light We Cannot See).

    My TTT

  8. LOVE the post! What a great idea for Paris in July :)

    I taught Tale of Two Cities and it remains one of my all-time favorites. Mind you, it took me about three years of re-reading it before I fully understood the pure genius of Charles Dickens, but nevertheless, it is definitely worth the read.

    I also read Rutherford's book and thoroughly enjoyed it, despite its heftiness.

    I will now add to my list of Paris must-reads: The Paris Wife and Five Nights in Paris.

    1. Glad to hear you loved TTC and the Rutherford book, Molly.

  9. It's so weird to see so many French authors, I'm like "Oh look at all those authors I was forced to read in school !" (I'm French btw).I read Bel-Ami in middle school and I loved it, that was a bit of a surprise. Swan's Way has been on hold for like 4 years (but I got to the part with the madeleine/cookie?/cake? - I don't know how they translated it??? - and the flashback to his childhood, so it's all that matters. I actually never read The Hunchback of Notre Dame, but I'm a big Victor Hugo fan, so I feel like I should recommend. Les Misérables takes (mostly) place in Paris too :)

  10. I haven't read that many books set in Paris but I love that as a setting so I'll definitely check out these titles. Lovely list. :)

  11. Great selections. Of these I have read the works by Duckens, Zola, Proust and de Maupassant And Hugo. A very good maybe the best Amerivan in Paris classic I know about us The Ambassadors by Henry James. I look forward to reading your posts.

  12. I love books set in France. I have read Tale of Two cities but none of the others so I have lots to add to my list to read. Thank you! MyTTT

  13. I struggled to finish A Tale of Two Cities, although the ending did move me. I read The Hunchback of Notre Dame and enjoyed it - although as someone who grew up watching the Disney version, some of the elements of the book were surprisingly dark.

  14. What a nice spin on today's topic. I'm quite the fan of The Hunchback of Notre Dame and really want to read Anna and the French Kiss. Ah... but my summer is not shaping up to being the relaxing time I had hoped it would be.

    My TTT didn't have any overlap with yours. LOL!

  15. All the Light We Can Not See is on my list as is The Paris Wife but I was really distracted by your funtastic fireworks. LOVE!

  16. Great twist on this TTT! Tale of Two Cities is my least favorite Dickens, but I always enjoy Zola. The Paris Wife was good in the audio format.

  17. I haven't read any of the books you mention other than an attempt to get through The Paris Wife. I ended up not finishing that one. I'm on the fence about All the Light We Cannot See. Love the fireworks! Haha

  18. Great list! I really want to try The Paris Wife and Anna and the French Kiss sounds kind fo fun. I love that you picked a theme! That's a great idea!

  19. I really enjoyed Paris and All the Light you Cannot See. Thank you for stopping by.

  20. I am going to place some of these on my list. The Paris Wife is also wonderful.

  21. I have Five Nights in Paris but haven't gotten to it yet. I read All The Light We Cannot See but although it was set in Paris, it was not the type of Paris you want to visit! War is a horrible thing.

  22. No, I haven't read any of those Paris book either, so no help from me. But I do want to read A TALE OF TWO CITIES some day.

  23. I really enjoyed The Paris Wife- highly recommend. I really want to read All the Light We Cannot See soon! I have seen the movie adaptation of Bel-Ami and thought it was okay, I haven't heard too many great things about the novel but I do enjoy his short stories.
    Thanks for stopping by the The Local Muse

  24. I actually own two copies of Anna and the French Kiss but I haven't read one of them. I guess there are a lot of books about Paris! Great list, I hope you get to read some of these soon!

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

    My TTT

  25. Hi Deb, first, thanks for stopping by Marmelade Gypsy during PIJ! I'm behind and catching up (on vacation, spotty internet!). I'm planning on doing a post about the Rutherfurd book; I loved it! And also enjoyed "The Paris Wife." Partly into "The Greater Journey" and dying to read "All the Light..." Have you read "The Nightingale"? That sounds interesting, too! See you in PIJ~

  26. I think I read Down and Out in Paris and London a gazillion years ago and don't remember much about it.

    Here's a link to my TTT post this week: http://captivatedreader.blogspot.com/2015/07/top-ten-tuesday-top-ten-hyped-books-ive.html

  27. I like your take on this week's topic! I need to read Anna and the French Kiss too; I've heard so many good things about it! Happy reading! :)

  28. Ahhh, I've not read the "Anna" books either... but they sound and look darling! Here's hoping I get them read someday. :)

  29. I haven't read any of these! Apparently I need to give Paris some love, too. =)

  30. I recently read The Paris Wife and it was excellent. Sometimes I forgot I was reading historical fiction. :)

  31. Anna and the French Kiss is such a great read! I hope that you enjoy it when you do get to read it. :)

  32. I totally agree - many many books about Paris and lot's of them should be read.... I read 'Down and Out' for last years Paris in July and enjoyed it lots - feeling the streets of Paris like a poor man did was quite emotional for me. I've tried to read Hunchback in French but it was too difficult for me. I've read some Zola, but not this one. I think from your list, Anna and the French Kiss sounds like a good read sometime. I'm loving all the different ways participants are reflecting on the reading options for Paris in July - great post.

  33. Haha I love that you have an entire list of Paris books that you haven't read! I have only read Anna, but after all of the buzz of All the Light I may have to add that to my to listen to list.
    Thanks for stopping by! Have a great week!

  34. I haven't read any of those books you listed either. Although I would love to visit Paris someday, I haven't had much luck enjoying books that are set there, for some reason. I'm not sure why. I do hope to read Anna and the French Kiss at some point though.

    Happy reading to you.

  35. Deb, I've read Paris by Edward Rutherford. It looks like most of the books you haven't read are much older. I confess that I love modern books set in France. Hope you'll give mine a try too for quick, fun reads. Here’s my Dreaming of France meme

  36. I'm slightly horrified that I don't think I've read any books set in Paris! I will have to remedy that ASAP. Great list regardless!

  37. I like that you have made it specifically about Paris, but it makes me feel bad because I've not read any of this except Anna and the French Kiss, which I loved! I have been mean to read All the Light We Cannot See for a little while, but just haven't gotten round to it yet.Charles Dickins is on my classics tbr this year, so hopefully I will get round to that one soon! :)

  38. The only book I have read based in Paris is Anna and the French Kiss. It is a beautiful setting for a book essentially a romantic one. Thanks.for stopping by my blog.

    Megan @ http://readingawaythedays.blogspot.co.uk

  39. Minus a couple of titles that I couldn't finish, this is a great selection of books!

  40. I've only read A Tale of Two Cities! I read it in high school and really enjoyed it - a lot more than my classmates! I remember it was really dense and hard to read though. But the story was so great!

  41. Love this post. I love anything that is set in Paris, and honestly, there are too many of them it's hard to keep up!


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