Saturday, July 11, 2015

Crêpes by Suzette

It was the Paris setting that persuaded me to review my first-ever book app.

Crêpes by Suzette is a book app that was developed from 
the children's picture book of the same name written by Monica Wellington.

Although the book itself is now out of print, 
I was, happily, able to find a copy of the actual book at my public library.

It was a taste test.

I read the real book first.
Then I went through the book app.

And the result?

I loved the real book.

But...oh, I hate to admit this...I loved the app, too

Here are the things I loved about the book and the app:

1. Both the book and the app have the crêpe recipe.

2. On the app, you can read the story to yourself or it will read the story to you.

3. On the app, the story can be translated into French, Spanish, German, Japanese, and Italian.

4. On the app, there are wonderful French music and French sounds in the background. (The author said she collected these in Paris on her digital recorder.)

5. On the app and in the book, there is a map of Paris with all the stops highlighted in the story.

6. On the app, there is a crêpe maker's demo video.

7. On the app, there is a crêpe cooking lesson. 

8. In the book, it is explained that Suzette's customers in the story are based on figures from famous paintings and sculptures by French artists. 

9. In the book, there is a glossary of French words used in the story.

Conclusion: Magnifique!

Weekend Cooking is hosted by Beth Fish Reads and is open to anyone who has any kind of food-related post to share: Book (novel, nonfiction) reviews, cookbook reviews, movie reviews, recipes, random thoughts, gadgets, quotations, photographs. If your post is even vaguely foodie, feel free to grab the button and link up anytime over the weekend. You do not have to post on the weekend. Please link to your specific post, not your blog's home page. For more information, see the welcome post.

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  1. They both sound fabulous. I might have to check out the app.

  2. The sounds like so much fun. I admit that I have been skeptical of book apps, but if they are all as innovative as this one, they will win me over!

    1. I'm with you. I was quite surprised at how complete the experience was.

  3. What a great book and such a cute app! Now I have a craving for crepes!

    1. Yes, I want to try to make some soon. The video gave me the confidence to try.

  4. Sounds like the app was a good complement to the book.

    Sean at His and Her Hobbies

  5. I think the app sounds really interesting! This is first I've heard of something like this, but I'm always the last to know about new techie stuff!

  6. I usually do t like the apps but you make a good case for this one. How cool that you can translate this book into so many languages. This appeals to the Franophile in me 😀

    1. I know. I had to listen to the story in three languages, English, Spanish, and French. Just for fun.

  7. That looks really interesting. I didn't know that books could come with an app.

  8. I have not yet tried a book ap. this one sounds very well done.

  9. I have to look out for this one. thanks! Cheers from Carole's Chatter!

  10. Wow! there's a whole new world of Apps and book Apps out there I had no idea about. Love Crepes, Love Paris - must do this. Thanks Deb :)

  11. I have been trying to a get ahold of this book from my library forever. But I didn't know about the app. I'll have to check that out until I can get the book. There are some pretty amazing picture books about Paris & France out there for little kids right now.

  12. aww what a wonderful post. I love the sound of the app and I want it and I don't often say that about apps lol

  13. Three stops to Paris in this Weekend Cooking! Fun!! I LOVED the streetcarts with fresh crepes when we visited years ago. Sounds like a really sweet little book.

  14. Oooh la la -- so much Paris! I love the illustrations you shared and I think it'd be fun to get the app: street sounds!

    I was off the grid this weekend (camping) so that's why I'm late coming around.

  15. Never come across the book, but it looks sweet, and crepes are always good... Actually, you've reminded me that there's a creperie at a nearby craft centre - I could go and treat myself for Paris in JulyI could sit and read whilst eating a crepe!


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