Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Last Ten Books about Paris I Acquired: What to Read? What to Read?

Il est Juillet et il est temps pour le merveilleux
Paris in July!*

So...what to read? What to read?

I have a huge stack of Paris-y books,
all acquired on a whim.

Publishers certainly know how to push my buttons.

It's that Eiffel Tower. It gets me every time.

I can't pass up a cover with an Eiffel Tower on it.

Even when the Eiffel Tower is far in the background...

...or only dimly seen on the cover...

"Paris" in the title? Yep, gotta buy that one, too.

Cannot resist.

...even the word "Paris" in the subtitle will do it...

Sometimes it's a double-whammy, with "Paris" in the title and
the Eiffel Tower in the background...

Nothing could stop me from choosing this book.

Okay, now I need your most worthy opinion.

I have this huge stack of Paris-ish books.
But which ones are worth reading?

I'd like to read the best ones this month for Paris in July.

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!

Each week we will post a new Top Ten list that one of our bloggers here at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join. All we ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND add your name to the Linky widget so that everyone can check out other bloggers lists! If you don't have a blog, just post your answers as a comment. Have fun with it! It's a fun way to get to know your fellow bloggers. 

*It is July and it is time for the wonderful Paris in July!


  1. I'm almost powerless to resist an Eiffel Tower cover too- so much so that I recently bought a book about a kid playing a chess tournament in Paris. I have no interest in chess tournaments...

    I do wonder how I'd never heard of Paris by Pastry before? If it wasn't from 2006 I'd be buying it online right now. I'm rather astonished that I don't have any of these Paris titles. There's just so much Paris to read.

  2. I don't know which ones are best.... but the one that most garners my attention is Paris by Pastry. I think you need to read it at a cafe while sipping a latte :)

  3. I want all of these just based off the covers! Paris by Pastry especially intrigues me because its Paris AND food but Rook is also on my TBR. Enjoy your virtual trips to Paris!

    1. Yes, and Paris by Pastey is relatively short. Okay, it goes into my TBR for July.

  4. Love how you went thematically for this week's TTT! I hope you enjoy A Star for Mrs. Blake. I really want to read The Mask Carver's Son, it sounds like an interesting read. Happy reading :)

    My TTT

  5. I love "Between Meals." A.J.Liebling was a really skilled writer, and he captured a side of pre-war Paris that's a bit unusual.

    1. Yes, I'm eager to read this one. Love the Paris foodie books.

    2. I do food books all the time at maefood.blogspot.com ... summarized memoirs:

  6. Just to lower the level, here's a link to 50 old paperbacks about Paris and France. You might want to collect them all: http://killercoversoftheweek.blogspot.com/2015/07/vive-la-france.html

    1. Excellent. Just what I need...more books about Paris and France.

  7. I've heard good things about A Star For Mrs. Blake. Just sayin'....LOL.

  8. Oh, my... how will you ever choose? A Star For Mrs. Blake is on my wish list. Good luck ;-)

  9. Rook sounds amazing! But then, I guess that's been well-established already considering how much I've talked about it on my blog. ;)

  10. Wow, what a lot of Paris titles. I don't know any of them, except the last one, which someone already reviewed or recommended, I think. Pastry is always good and will most likely be very interesting. I love the cover of the 'Mask Carver's son'. If I can choose from cover I would take that one. Lovely post!

  11. beautiful covers! I don´t know this books, but they all look very interesting. I like very much to read about places I´m going to visit. nowadays I´m reading japanese authors and about Japan

  12. This looks like a wonderful theme for July, wish I knew more about the titles you selected. Rook looks really good though. Last Ten Books that Came into my Posession

  13. I think they all look promising! I've only read The Mask Carver's Son so the others looks just as good :)

    1. Sigh. It's that Paris thing. It clouds my judgment every time.

  14. Great titles. Would love to read the food books. Of these I just finished Lover at the Chameleon Club, Paris, 1932 and posted on it. It is interesting, told in a novel fashion. A look at alleged decadence and corruption of Paris.

  15. I don't know one of these but they all look intriguing or fun! Let us know what you think!

  16. Haven't read any of these, so I can't recommend anything... But I'd say dare to be different and choose one of the books that hasn't got the Eiffel Tower on the cover!

  17. I'm curious about the Paris A Love Story book by Kati Marton. Do tell on that one!

  18. Great covers to inspire interest in Paris in July !
    Hope you've enjoyed a few...


I love to hear your thoughts.