Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Old Faithful

For more wordless photos, go to Wordless Wednesday.

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by West Metro Mommy ReadsTo participate in Saturday Snapshot: post a photo that you (or a friend or family member) have taken and then leave a direct link to your post in the Mister Linky at West Metro Mommy Reads.


  1. Replies
    1. We stayed at Old Faithful Inn, so we got to see the geyser go off five times. Awesome every time.

  2. Wonderful impressions of your walk through this area.
    Best, Synnöve

  3. Wow! That must be thrilling to watch it live. Great pics.
    Happy WW!

  4. Wow - what a show nature puts on, huh?
    Thanks for linking up at

  5. Wonderful impressions of nature! I'm faszinated!
    Best, Waldmarie

  6. You saw this 5 times? How incredible, and it really goes off so high too! Beautiful

  7. Wonderful impressions of nature! Great pictures!

  8. I remember watching it go off when I was in Yellowstone as a child. But at that time it was really faithful to its time schedule.

  9. They even have bleachers for you to sit in? How long does it take to go off? Is it fairly routine or is it a guessing game?

  10. I'd love to see it in person. Thx for capturing it.

  11. We made a family trip to Yellowstone when i was 13. It's amazing, and thank you for the reminder since you've brought back a trip i hadn't thought about in quite a while!

  12. Wow, that's impressive! I'd love to see that in person!

  13. How great to see it five times. I was surprised to see the seating- and the crowd!

    1. I tried to take a panoramic shot of the crowd, but I'm not a great photographer and I did something wrong. The crowd was actually four times that size and was spread halfway around the geyser.

  14. While we were waiting for Old Faithful to go off, everyone was sitting. When it went off, everyone was on their feet.

  15. Even though Yellowstone and Old Faithful are in our home state, we haven't been there in years! We like to go in the fall, when the crowds are thinner and the animals more noticeable. The trees and surrounding area are pretty in the fall too. Of course, the geysers are always on!!! :)

  16. When I was twelve, our family visited Yellowstone and I loved seeing Old Faithful...I can almost still smell the sulfurous scent...LOL. I am glad it is still spewing to this day. Here's MY SATURDAY SNAPSHOT POST

  17. Great sequence of photos. Yellowstone National Park is on my list of must-see places, and I'd love to stay at the Old Faithful Inn. Those old national park lodges are so charming. Maybe early next summer....

    1. We had to make our reservations for Old Faithful Inn more than a year in advance....

  18. I've never gotten to see this. Well never even been out West! My parents have been there to see it though! So I will live through them and you and say I've seen it - ha!

    Linda in VA

  19. Loved visiting Yellowstone! I don't remember all the seats there when we visited (nor such big crowds!) Looks like a nice visit.

    Enjoy the weekend!


    Book By Book

  20. Old Faithful is one of those American icons we know about all round the world. You got some amazing close ups considering how far away you sit to view it.

  21. That must be so exciting. I love your series of photos, which really give an idea of the anticipation.

  22. Awesome photos! What an amazing place to visit!


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