Sunday, April 19, 2009

Hour 21: Dewey

Link to mini-challenge: Join BookCrossing!

I decided to jump into book blogging when I signed up for an online work-at-your-own-pace inservice called 23 Things last summer. Though I posted quite regularly to my blog, it was hit-or-miss (mostly miss) with comments posted to my blog. Comments were rare.

Then I learned about the Read-a-Thon. What a wonderful carnival of fun Dewey put together! Suddenly I saw there were book bloggers all over the place, and I wanted to join in.

Dewey taught me the importance of connection and fun. I am very glad to have met her here at Read-a-Thon.

From Dewey's blog: "Birth, life, and death -- each took place on the hidden side of a leaf." Toni Morrison

1 comment:

  1. What a nice comment about Dewey. I didn't ever meet her, but I've been reading such nice things. Best of luck to you as we head into the final stretch!


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