Saturday, April 10, 2010

Readathon: Hour 4: Sentence de Titre de Livre MiniChallenge

I've completed one book (okay, it was the children's picture book, Madeline!) and a few chapters from M.F.K. Fisher's Serve It Forth. That's okay with me. I'm trying to visit a few blogs every hour and do a few challenges and read a few pages. Readathon Lite.

Here's my response to Bart's MiniChallenge:

It reads: Good morning, midnight, tender is the night, a moveable feast, from the fifteenth district, weekend in Paris; Paris, time was soft there, les miserables.

Yes, deep thoughts there in that sentence.

Translated: Bonjour, l'offre de minuit est la nuit, un festin mobile, du quinzième district, le week-end à Paris; Paris, le temps était mou là, les miserables.


  1. Marvelous sentence! I loved this challenge. I may make it my very own weekly meme.


I love to hear your thoughts.