Saturday, April 10, 2010

Readathon: Hour 5: Nourrissez-moi Seymour

Nourrissez-moi Seymour

This is a challenge that is designed for moi! I'm reading Serve It Forth, M.F.K. Fisher's book, and it is all about food.

Here's a bite:
"Central heating, French rubber goods, and cookbooks are three amazing proofs of man's ingenuity in transforming necessity into art, and, of these, cookbooks are perhaps most lastingly delightful. Many an old belly has been warmed by the reading of them, and for one secret from them, steaming ruddy brown on plate, how many youthful pleasures have been counted well lost!

However, cooking in itself is, for most women, a question less of vocation than of necessity. They are not called to the kitchen by the divine inner voice of a Vatel or an Escoffier. Rather are they lured there, willy-nilly, by the piping of their husbands' empty stomachs."

In two paragraphs Fisher has managed to explain why I have never become a gourmet husband's empty stomach.

Photo by laverrue


  1. Great excerpt! Keep up the great reading!

  2. Ha - I feel that way too. Never WANT to cook, but somehow feel obligated to. Good luck with the reading!

  3. I love M.F.K. Fisher and the quotes you used. I just stopped by to cheer you on. Here's a poem for the day:

    If I could have one wish,
    I know what I would say.
    Just give me my books,
    And let me read all day.

    Happy Reading.

    --from your cheerleader, Margot

  4. Je dirais aussi, par les enfants aussi. Leurs voix sont beaucoup plus forts qu'un mari. I'm hoping you speak French (lol). J'ai vu ton titre et j'ai reagi et communique directement en francais sans penser.

  5. Je suis d'accord, Stephanie! C'est les enfants et le mari! Oui, je parle un petit français.... J'apprends!

    (I agree, Stephanie! It is the children and the husband! Yes, I speak a little French...I am learning!)

  6. My favorite Fisher book is How To Cook A Wolf.


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