Sunday, October 31, 2010

And the Pursuit of Happiness by Maira Kalman

Do you know Maira Kalman?

I like her writing.

This week I only finished one book, but it was a good one. And the Pursuit of Happiness by Maira Kalman.

I often check out books from the library, read them, and return them. Even when I buy books, I usually give them away.

I buy Maira Kalman books and keep them. I read them and then I read them again.

She writes children's picture books as well as grownup books. Honestly, her books for grownups are really just grownup picture books.

A new genre, maybe.

I hope this is okay, but I can't really show you how wonderful Maira Kalman is without showing you a few pages from her books.

Do you see what I mean?

I saw Maira Kalman at the Texas Book Festival. I would have been very sad if I had not gotten to hear her speak. She was not as I'd imagined. I'd expected a morose person. No. She actually laughed a lot. And told funny stories.

She seemed quite wise.

"Reality was never part of our household," she said.


  1. You got to see Kalman speak?! That is so awesome, Debbie! I love Kalman. Reading her books is like holding a painting in your hands.

  2. Yes, I got to see (hear?) Kalman speak! It was awesome.

    I took a photograph of her, but it came out very dark. I should have drawn a picture, but I couldn't stop listening to her long enough to draw anything.

  3. The woman sitting next to me in the audience during Maira Kalman's talk told a story about a raincoat that led her to Maira Kalman's work. I wish I'd written it down.

  4. Hmmm, never heard of this author. Will have to see if our library has her work.

  5. I've never heard of her either. Her style and content looks interesting. My library doesn't have anything of hers, I'll keep an eye out though. I'll be bound to stumble across her somewhere now that I've seen her once.

  6. I read about this one on Natasha's blog and immediately put it on hold at the library. Now I really want to get my hands on it!

  7. I have Fireboat, one of Maira Kalman's children's picture books, in my library, but I really need a Maira Kalman Max book.

  8. I've read several reviews of this book recently and they have all been positive. I'm adding this author to my list of authors I want to read in the future.

  9. Never even heard of her, but daaanngg those illustrations are awesome.

  10. I'm remembering...I think...that Maira Kalman wrote a children's picture book about Max (a dog) in Paris....must check this out.

  11. Grownup picture books? What an interesting concept. I'll have to check this out...

  12. I never heard of her until a friend sent me a link to her blog at the NY Times. I think it was The Pursuit of Happiness drawings and text. It was wonderful! as I suppose her books must be. Lucky you to have met her.


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