Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Top Ten Favorite Authors

I'm a very fickle reader. I will read one book by an author. One. It's rare that I continue on. If I do, I'm often disappointed.

Here are a few authors who have written more than one book that I love:

10. Carol Shields

  9. Chris Van Allsburg

  8. Anne Lamott (all her nonfiction; none of her fiction)

  7. Elizabeth Berg (though nothing recently)

  6. Cynthia Rylant

  5. Lois Lowry

  4. Don and Audrey Wood (when they worked together)

  3. Kate DiCamillo

  2. William Steig

  1. Dr. Seuss

Who are your favorites?  Do we share any of the same favorite authors?

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This meme was created because we are particularly fond of lists at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!

Each week we will post a new Top Ten list complete with one of our bloggers answers. Everyone is welcome to join. All we ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND sign Mister Linky at the bottom to share with us and all those who are participating. If you don't have a blog, just post your answers as a comment. Don't worry if you can't come up with ten every time..just post what you can!


  1. Just stopping by to say hello to the bloggers I haven't visited for a while. Out of all the 10 authors you mention I have only read Dr Seuss so thanks for some new authors for me to check out.

  2. Shrek was a book before it was a movie? Wow. And also, The Stranger looks intriguing.

  3. Yay Dr. Seuss! I would say the only authors I try and read all of their work are fantasy authors (Guy Gavriel Kay) and the lady who wrote Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, although I haven't liked any after the Pants series ... but I keep reading them anyways :p

  4. Wow I feel bad, I never heard of any of those authors (except for dr.seuss - purely because of that jim carey film)! Still though excellent idea to consider

  5. Great list. I didn't even think about including Dr. Seuss. Sorry that you often get disappointed when you read more than one book by an author.

  6. Dr. Seuss is awesome! Also I love The Giver :)

  7. Nice list and I like the visuals ... haven't figured out how to pile up pictures like that.

    Take good care.

  8. Oh gosh, I LOVED Bird by Bird. But I'm pretty sure that's the only Anne Lammott book I've read.

  9. Clever idea with the book covers! Definitely makes your list interesting to look at. Great list!

  10. Chris Van Allsburg & Kate DiCamillo, to be sure! Also Shel Silverstein and Kevin Henkes. Great list!

  11. So many books and authors to comment on. Of these I have to say that Dr. Suess is one of my favorite's and seeing those books instantly brought a smile to my face.

  12. Thanks for dropping by. I may add Mr. Seuss to my list. Never heard of him till I was older so I don't think he made it over here. Mostly grew up on Roald dahl and enid blyton and irish writers!

    But will definitely check it out - thanks for the suggestions :)

  13. aw blogger is being evil. Don;t know if you got my previous post! Just said thanks for recommendations :)

  14. I want your list. I love so many of the authors you put on yours. Can we switch? When I get home I am going to doll up my list. Thanks for the idea.

  15. Yes, Theodore Geisel is at the top of my list, too. But if you're talking about kid-lit, I'd add Shel Silverstein, as well.

  16. It is interesting how many children's authors are on your list.

    I like Elizabeth Berg and have enjoyed many of her books.

    Great idea for a post!

  17. Ah, Chris van Allsburg! Anne Lamott! What great choices. :)

  18. I love your eclectic list....Kate DiCamilo and Lois Lowry both write children's books that are literature--The Giver is so powerful. I like that your list is so inclusive.

  19. I have to go with Chris Van Allsburg. The Wretched Stone is fantastic. Since I work with really young kids, I would have to list Mo Willems as well. Thanks for visiting NC Teacher Stuff and good luck with the Cybils!


I love to hear your thoughts.