I've been blessed to have over twenty years with a group of wonderful friends. We got together for breakfast when our kids were little, so we came to be known as the Breakfast Mamas. We don't get together as often nowadays. But every now and then we break loose and head off on an adventure.
This time we headed for Galveston.
The obligatory group photo. Tish and Terry and Janet had to head back home after lunch, but the rest of us forged on.
Peggy chauffeured us on a wonderful Galveston Island Tree Sculpture Tour. During Hurricane Ike in 2007, lots of old trees in Galveston were inundated with salt water and died. Artists have taken the dead trees and carved them into fabulous art. Here's the Tin Man and Toto in front of a house where one of the creators of the Wizard of Oz movie once lived. (For an entire post on the Galveston Island Tree Sculpture Tour, take a look here.)
We tried to get a good shot of a cruise ship as it was leaving Galveston. Peggy followed it for blocks. The only shot I could get was through the gates at this (apologies!) government facility.
We're always on the lookout for a nice fixer-upper for our future Widows' Home. What do you think?
And then...the beach! An amazing sight after so many weeks of rain.
My crazy friends!
Lisa had to take a walk on that warm sand.
What a great day!
For more wordless photos, go to Wordless Wednesday.
Saturday Snapshot is hosted by West Metro Mommy Reads. To participate in Saturday Snapshot: post a photo that you (or a friend or family member) have taken and then leave a direct link to your post in the Mister Linky at West Metro Mommy Reads.