Wednesday, June 22, 2016

BookExpo: The Authors!

Larry Watson

Jonathan Safran Foer

Jennifer Niven

Mo Willems

Kwame Alexander

Jane Hamilton

Amy Krause Rosenthal

Herve Tullet

Mariam Gates

Matthew Cordell

Richard Russo

Jamie Lee Curtis

David Shannon

Frank Viva

Eric Litwin and Tom Lichtenheld

For more wordless photos, go to Wordless Wednesday.

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by West Metro Mommy ReadsTo participate in Saturday Snapshot: post a photo that you (or a friend or family member) have taken and then leave a direct link to your post in the Mister Linky at West Metro Mommy Reads.


  1. Que bien que los autores firmen los libros, además se les puede conocer en persona...

    1. Gracias por las imagenes. Tambien pienzo que es verdad que dice Raquel Jimenez Lastras. No tengo un libro firmado- pero imagino que es una expirencia surreal.

      Gracias un otro ves!

  2. You must have been beside yourself! Did you talk to most of them too?

  3. Must be exciting to meet all those authors, I don't know what to ask for when they sign.

  4. Must be exciting to meet all those authors, I don't know what to ask for when they sign.

  5. I didn't know JLC had a children's book out.

  6. I didn't know JLC had a children's book out.

  7. Wow, what an awesome line-up to meet!!

  8. That's nice to meet them all life !

  9. Loved seeing these pictures. I have read books by many of these authors but I didn't have faces to put with the names. Based on all the amazing authors at the BEA you must have gotten some fantastic books! Yeah! :)

  10. Someday! Someday! Thanks for sharing!

  11. When we lived in Miami, I went to the Miami International Book Festival almost every year. Your photos reminded me of those fun days. Looks like you had a great time.

  12. How amazing to see all those authors and to come home with so many books. Here's Mine

  13. I'm impressed that you got to meet so many great authors. You must have had a wonderful time.

  14. I am SO impressed!

    Taking part in Saturday Snapshot after very long...

    Here is my post

  15. WOW!!! So many great author pics! That's my idea of celebrities :) Looks like a lot of fun.


    2016 Big Book Summer Challenge


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