Sunday, March 19, 2017

Spring Break!

What I Did

There's nothing like trying to cram a month's worth of activities into a week. Over spring break, I:

*drove eight hours to Arkansas
*went quartz crystal hunting
*stayed in a cabin
*ate s'mores over a campfire
*drove eight hours home
*had a dental appointment
*went to the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo
*had a sleepover in my friend's cousin's beach house
*stayed up until midnight, laughing and talking like teenagers
*had another dental appointment
*made a homemade apple pie
*went to my sister's for a wonderful dinner with my extended family
*helped my daughter-in-law with the farmer's market
*wrote on my book
*read three books

My nephew finds quartz crystals on his first dig.

 My granddaughter, Annie, at her (and my!) first Houston Livestock Show.

My friends and I at our beach house sleepover.

What I Finished Reading

 Maybe in Another Life
Catholicism: A Journey to the Heart of the Faith
The Old Ways: A Walk on Foot

What Arrived in the Mail

 The Moth Presents All These Wonders: True Stories About Facing the Unknown
Inferior: How Science Got Women Wrong and the New Research That's Rewriting the Story
The Winged Girl of Knossos (a 1934 Newbery Honor Book, republished)

What are you reading today?

What is the Sunday SalonImagine some university library's vast reading room. It's filled with people--students and faculty and strangers who've wandered in. They're seated at great oaken desks, books piled all around them,and they're all feverishly reading and jotting notes in their leather-bound journals as they go. Later they'll mill around the open dictionaries and compare their thoughts on the afternoon's literary intake....That's what happens at the Sunday Salon, except it's all virtual. Every Sunday the bloggers participating in that week's Salon get together--at their separate desks, in their own particular time zones--and read. And blog about their reading. And comment on one another's blogs. Think of it as an informal, weekly, mini read-a-thon, an excuse to put aside one's earthly responsibilities and fall into a good book. Click here to join the Salon.

The Sunday Post is a meme hosted by Kimba at Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It's a chance to share news and recap the past week.

Mailbox Monday was created by Marcia at The Printed Page. We share books that we found in our mailboxes last week. 
 It is now being hosted here.

Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews in which you can share the books you've acquired.

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is where we share what we read this past week, what we hope to read this week…. and anything in between!  This is a great way to plan out your reading week and see what others are currently reading as well… you never know where that next “must read” book will come from! I love being a part of this and I hope you do too! It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is now being hosted at The Book Date.


  1. What fun you had! I envy you laughing the night away with friends in a beach house.

    I loved Maybe in Another Life...and other books by the author.

    I'm curious about Inferior.

    Enjoy your week...and thanks for visiting my blog.

  2. What a fantastic spring break! I'm super curious about quartz hunting. I'd never heard of it but sounds fun and the results are so pretty! We had similar driving time but not nearly as many adventures. Have a great week!

  3. That sounds like a fabulous spring break! I have one more week until mine begins, but I am not going anywhere. My brother and one niece will be visiting so that is wonderful

  4. Excellent vacation. Sounds like you had a great time.
    The grand kids are little dolls.
    Since you asked, I'm reading three books. Holy Trinity, How to Win Every Argument, and, The Brighter Side of Human Nature.

  5. Wow that sounds like a lot of activities, I'm exhausted by your week, LOL. But it sounds like great fun too. Great photos. Which beach were you at?

  6. Busy but fun break! (well, if you ignore the dentist)

  7. Sounds like a great Spring Break week, overall! Those breaks always seem to fill up quickly. Mine is in three weeks and I can hardly wait.

  8. Sounds like a week filled with fun activities - and you read too! Come see my reading week here. Happy reading!

  9. Wow that was a busy week. Sounds like fun. I baked a cherry and plum pie last week for Pi day. I'm joining up in the fun again and I'm hoping you'll stop by to my new domain.

    It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

  10. Sounds like you had a wonderful week. But I am a little concerned about the two dentist appointments. My spring break isn't until two weeks from now. We are heading to see our youngest daughter who is going to school near NYC. Annie is a doll in her cowboy books and hat. Hee-haw!

  11. Oh my goodness, look at that little cowgirl, too cute!!

  12. I am jealous of everything you did (except the dental visits). Sounds like so much fun. I really want to read a Taylor Jenkins Reid book. I have only heard good things.
    Sam @ WLABB

  13. Oooh, I loved Maybe in Another Life; have you read any of her other novels?

  14. Your week sounds so fun - except the dentist visits. Not as fun. I have Landmarks by McFarlane on my TBR - it sounds like I should add The Old Ways as well!

    How lucky for your nephew! I just bought two crystals from Etsy lol. It would have been much more fun to dig them! And what a sweet little cowgirl!

  15. You had a busy Break, girlfriend!

  16. It sounds like you had a busy and productive spring break! Lots of fun, especially the quartz hunting.

    Jeann @ Happy Indulgence


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