Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Book-ish Wishes: All My Dreams Come True

When I was a little girl, I dreamed of having the book-ish things I have now. They were so far out of reach when your only income is your fifty cents an hour weekly babysitting job. Or they didn't exist in 1968. Instead of thinking about more things I wish I had, today I am grateful for the things I have.

A Book-ish Room of My Own

A Book-ish Job

Travel to Book-ish Places

A Plethora of Ways to Share Books with Others

Book-ish Co-workers

Fun Book-ish Events like Readathon

Book-ish Conferences

Meeting Up with Book-ish People Around the World

Meeting Authors

All the Books I Could Ever Want

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!


  1. I love your perspective here. If I were stop and think about the dreams of 8-year-old Molly, I'm sure I would realize they have come true as well. How blessed we are :)

  2. I love this post! I'd love to one day have a bookish job, but I'm not holding out much hope! XD Your pictures are making me super sad that I'm not going to ALA this year! Great post :D

    Here are my Top Ten!

  3. OOOh, I love this post, because I'm in it! I was loving it til then of course, but then the love meter went to 11... Reading in the modern world isn't just a lonely isolated activity is it? It can literally take you around the world. You can make wonderful bookish connections with lovely bookish friends.

  4. What a great post! I love this part of adulting too -- being able to buy books, not just wait endlessly to see if they'll show up under the Christmas tree.

  5. Wonderful dreams of things that came true. I'd love to make it to a book conference someday, Book Expo sounds like it would be fun. A book job also sounds heavenly. My Top Ten Tuesday

  6. Oh, this is an amazing spin on this week's topic! I love it and it is so true that a lot of our childhood bookish dreams have come true and it's great to take a moment and be grateful for that :)

  7. Thank you so much for yout comment.
    A bookish job ❤ at some point of my life I dreamt with one, but now I feel the impulse to teach the wonders of science. Although books are an important aspect that I hope I can include!
    Anyway, it's a wonderful list. I admire how positive you are, it's easy to think on stuff we want and forget what we already have.

  8. Thats a nice take on the prompt, looks like all your wishes came true :)

  9. It would be awesome to have the opportunity to get to go to bookish conferences. :)

  10. Great list!
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2017/05/09/top-ten-tuesday-106/

  11. Life is good when it's full of book-ish things!

  12. I love your spin on this! I'm working on making the bookish room of my own a reality and am so excited about it! Definitely a dream come true.

  13. What a great post! So many great things in the bookish world to be thankful for, and you highlighted that very well! So true.

  14. You have an attitude of gratitude for all things bookish, as do I. You forgot to mention bookish blogging friends who give you (and receive from you) plenty of book recommendations. For that I am grateful as well. I accomplished something on my bucket list last week--a trip to Brazos Bookstore, dropped a hundred dollars, but it was worth it to keep such a fine place in business!

  15. Oh this is a great take on the topic. Love how you showed it through photos.

  16. Nice post! You followed your dream of book-ish things. How perfect.


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