Tuesday, May 23, 2017


My summer starts this Friday (at noon, in fact). I love my job as a school librarian, but I am so, so ready for summer this year.

My plans for summer are simple: I'm doing #bookaday, so I plan to read a book every day during the nine weeks I am off. I'm going to BookExpo America (BOOKEXPO AMERICA!) next week, and I can't wait for that. I'm planning to work on my book a little every day and practice my Spanish and walk mornings and swim and do yoga...but that's it. Nothing else. Nine weeks of rest and relax. 

I've made some Summer Reading Rules I thought I'd share with you. See what you think....


1. Read anything you want.
2. Read any time you want.
3. Read any place you want.

That's it. 

I realize these are pretty stringent rules, but I encourage you to try to follow them as best you can. 

What are you doing this summer?

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!


  1. Well I think those are definitely wise rules to follow. 😂

  2. hahaha!! Now these are some rules that I'm pretty sure I can follow. lol!

  3. Your plans for summer sound amazing and I love your rules ;)

  4. I think that is perfect. Love the 'rules'. Those are kind of my motto all the time. Good luck with 'book a day'. Enjoy BookExpo. Try to stay cool. Have a great summer!!!

  5. I think I can do that. Thanks and the best rules ever imo

  6. Wow! You get out of school so early; we go until June 9. I haven't created my summer reading list yet, but I do plan to hit up a couple of our high school libraries to stock up on some good YA books!

  7. I'm out Friday at 3, but BEA will have to wait until next year. Love the reading rules, and my summer looks much like yours, if you substitute "cross country fun runs" for "yoga" (which was NOT my thing!).

  8. Enjoy your reading and BEA!! As someone with an elementary age child my reading reverses during the summer - I get way less done. I love your rules and may have to keep them in mind for myself.

  9. Ha I love your rules! They work for me. :) And have a blast at BookExpo!!!

  10. Lovely! Enjoy the Book a Day and BEA. I am considering doing Book-a-Day, but still have 3 weeks of school.

  11. Enjoy your summer vacation, and may it be filled with wonderful books!!

  12. Not sure if I can follow those strict rules. ;) But yeay for having 9 weeks of relaxing and reading. Yoga is great for that. Have a great time at BEA.

  13. Happy summer to you! Your reading rules work for me too. Just keep reading .... :-)


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