Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Wonderful Books to Give Your Mom for Mother's Day (or Any Day)

There are some books you connect with as a woman, as a mom, as a human. Here are a few that resonated with me:

Still Alice


The Glass Castle

Secret Life of Bees

The Red Tent

Memoirs of a Geisha

The Joy Luck Club

Life Among the Savages

Ordinary People

A Year By the Sea

Have you read any of these? Are any on your to-read list?

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!


  1. I haven't read any of these books yet but there are some I want to check out. Thanks for sharing. Awesome list! :)

  2. All of these had an emotional resonance with me.

  3. Room and Still Alice are such incredible books. The movie adaptations of both are pretty well done! Though I did get angry with the Still Alice movie, if I am remembering correctly... Alice was portrayed in a more negative light that I really did not agree with. Glass Castle is on my TBR! I need to get to it soon!

  4. I've read a few of these. Can't say enough about STILL ALICE and have put it in the hands of several people who are dealing with loved ones and Alzheimer's. I had to wait a bit to read it after my Dad passed away, but feel that Lisa Genova got so many things 'right' in it. I recommended it to the staff at my Dad's memory care center. I've also read THE RED TENT, MEMOIRS OF A GEISHA and THE JOY LUCK CLUB. All very good.

  5. The Glass Castle is one on your list that I have read. Such an emotional book.

  6. Still Alice and Room I've read and ALLLLLLL the other ones are on my TBR list!! How great is that?? Would love to get them for Mother's Day yes....!

    Lovely picks Debs!

  7. I love your take on this week's topic! I am always looking for new books to get my mom to listen to! It's been so long since I read the Glass Castle! I should get it for my mom, and do a quick re-read first :p

    My TTT.

  8. I haven't read any of these though I think Room and Memoirs of a Geisha would be great books to gift my mom.

  9. Life Among the Savages is wonderful! I've been thinking I need to reread it. I loved Memoirs of a Geisha as well. Great list!

  10. Room and The Secret Life of Bees are a couple of my favorites. :)

  11. You have some of my favorites on this list: Red Tent; Memoirs of a Geisha; and Secret Life of Bees!

  12. I haven't read any of these books but I recognize some of them! Sounds it'll be a great present for mothers :)

  13. Perfect list as always. I thought I was the only person left in the world who hasn't read Memoirs of a Geisha! I've read A Year By the Sea, I remember enjoying it, but not much else. I read Still Alice more recently and enjoyed that too.

  14. My boss gave me a copy of The Glass Castle and then my 17-year-old read it for school this year. We all had a similar reaction: horrified disbelief.

    I loved Memoirs of a Geisha as well. While my kid hasn't ever read it, when I rented the movie, she was maybe 4 and was completely mesmerized by it.

    Here is my TTT. Thanks!

  15. Oooooh these all look really good! I found my mum reading one of my teen books yesterday, so I think it's time she got a bunch of new books lol.

    Little Moon Elephant

  16. WOW! I've heard amazing things about Room. Hopefully I'll be able to get to it soon. For Mother's Day this year I decided to buy some Twilight merch for my Mom cause she's still obsessed... :)
    Good post, have a nice day.

  17. What a lovely post! I have read several of these and liked them a lot. The idea for the post was original and fresh. I didn't see it on any blog but yours!

  18. Great feature this week, Deb! I've not read any of these, but the film adaptation of 'Geisha' has caught my eye as has Room. Especially the leading actor in that one since she's getting all kinds of praise and seems to be the "new" Jennifer Lawrence (who, according to critics, can do no wrong).

    Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland, Deb.

  19. Hi! Thanks for stopping by my TTT. I found your comment in the spam!! In fact it would have been lost forever but I was looking for a specific comment... I'm so glad I found it... Still Alice!! Loved that book and I have been wanting to read Room too!


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