Saturday, September 28, 2019

Reading Poldark, My Computer on the Blink, and I'm Off to an Antiques Weekend

You can tell a good bit about my tv and movie preferences from a quick look at what I'm reading this week.

The Classics Club Spin fell on 5, and that means I shall be reading The Essential Rumi. That's ideal for me, as I have a copy of this book on my Kindle and I can linger over it through the spin time period that runs through the month of October. Perfect.

I shamelessly bragged last week about all the books I nominated for the Cybils that were either finalists or winners here. I'm working on my list of books to nominate this year. Have you made your list? The nominations open on October 1.

My computer keyboard on my Mac went down for the count and I had to pay a visit to the Apple store. Happily, it turns out that the keyboard is subject to a recall. But I have to wait until the part comes in for it to be fixed. I've been forced to blog this week on an old computer that has none of my important things saved on it. Frustrating.

It's antiques time in Warrenton, Texas, and I'm hoping to spend quite a bit of time visiting booths and enjoying country life over the next two weekends. Getting to the antiques fair can be a bit of a hassle, though....

What was your week like?

Did you read any good books? Tell us about them.

What other bookish things did you do? What else is going on in your life?

We'd love to have you to link up here and/or at the Sunday Salon page on Facebook each weekend (Saturday-Sunday-Monday) and let us know what you have been doing. I hope you will visit other blogs and join in the conversations going on there. 

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  1. I just requested Speaking American from our library - it looks like something I'd like.

    Antiquing must be popular in Texas!

    1. I couldn’t help showing Speaking American to a couple of people I saw in the library before I turned it in. I think there is enough content for a sequel.

  2. Hope you are enjoying the antiques fair this weekend and next weekend. I'll have to seek out Rumi, I think. It might be good to spend some time with during my two-week convalescence at the end of October.

    1. I had a fabulous time at the antiques fair, though there was no WiFi. I am very frustrated at not having a good computer, too. When will you finish with my computer, Apple Store?

  3. I remember watching the Gerald Durrell series when I lived in the UK and loving it!

    1. We have enjoyed watching it so much. I read book one of the trilogy a long time ago. It feels like it is an even richer read this time.

  4. Love antiques thanks to my grandma and mom who were die hard in antiquing. Have you ever been to an antique auction?

  5. I feel your computer pain and hope the part arrives soon.
    Have a great week!

  6. That’s quite a traffic queue, I hope the fair is worth it!

    I’ve watched a season or three of Poldark, and all of the Durrell’s but haven’t read either, or the Goldfinch.

    Have a great reading week Deb!

    1. I'm in my happy place right now with my reading. And the Cybils nominations will start rolling in tomorrow, so that will make it even better.

  7. Where is Warrenton TX? Tell me in hours, please.

  8. Stupid Google! Kicked me out.

    I know someone who is exhibiting at Warrenton! Tessa, don't actually know her, but we rented her lovely home in San Miguel de Allende Mexico for a month a couple of years ago.

    1. Interesting. I may have visited with her on Saturday. She had a lot of amazing art.

  9. I love the Durrells!!! I've been meaning to read the books - I think I want to actually purchase the trilogy, and I am very picky lately with the books I buy. Have a great week antiquing!

    1. I found the first book, I think, on Amazon Prime, but I may have to buy the others.

  10. I haven't made a Cybils list. I'm always a bit of a seat-of-the-pants nominator.

  11. Oooh! I need to check out the Cybils awards! Hope you have a great week!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

    1. You definitely need to nominate some good books tomorrow.

  12. I had no idea! We have quite a few snowbirds who head down to Texas, but it's still too hot down here for that. I've never seen long lines of traffic for snowbirds, but I think ours drift in a few at a time.

  13. Goldfinch is a great one! Happy shopping - I love antiques and vintage fairs! I will look at the Cybils tomorrow- thanks for the reminder.

  14. I just turned on ,y drier and it made this awful noise and quit. Figures as I have a pile of laundry to do and now I'll have to haul the clothes to the laundromat to dry them. Have a fun time at the antique's fair:)

  15. darn computer gremlins. i am curious about the goldfinch. looking forward to seeing what you think
    sherry @ fundinmental

  16. Poldark and the Durrells!! So happy they're back on PBS.

  17. Nice looking books. Have fun antiquing! Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  18. I love Poldark the show. I can't believe its the final season. I mean really a 12 books series can be made into more seasons? I'm looking forward to the Durrells. I didn't much care for the show the first season but it has grown on me.

  19. It looks like some great books to read! i downloaded Poldark after watching the show, but haven't read it yet. I just had a similar issue with my computer, I got it back and now it is dying when it's unplugged so I have to take it back. argh! Computers!

  20. Gald to hear your keyboard is covered due to the recall! Even if there's a frustrating wait on the parts.
    I hope you have a good week!


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