Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Why I Love Paris: My Favorite Photos from Paris: An Alley in Paris

My sister and her daughter-in-law and granddaughter and I walking to lunch at one of their favorite places to eat in Paris, Bistro Paul Bert, and we came upon this street art in the nearby alley. I just stopped. It is beautiful, I thought. 

In the same alley was this flower. Could it be the most perfect flower I have ever seen? 

Paris is big enough, I think, for everyone to find their own favorite small spots of delight.

I did a whole post on the street art (or would you call it graffiti?) of Paris here.

For more photos, link up at Wordless WednesdayComedy PlusMessymimi's MeanderingsKeith's RamblingsCreate With JoyWild Bird Wednesday, and My Corner of the World.

Il est Juillet et il est temps pour le merveilleux Paris in July, hosted by Emma at Words and Peace.

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