Saturday, June 28, 2008

Read-a-Thon: Hours 6 and 7

I finished my third book of the read-a-thon, Beasts by Joyce Carol Oates. The book arrived in the mail four years ago, a surprise gift of a fellow BookCrosser.

What can I say about Beasts? If it were a movie, it would be rated R, R for raunchy and revealing and reviling and revengeful. The story centers on a young college student who falls in love with her writing professor and his wife. The professor reads poetry from D. H. Lawrence and exorts his students to go for the jugular, seducing every girl in the class with his voice and his eyes. Gillian, like the others, falls for his charms. When the professor and his wife head off to Europe for Christmas break, Gillian discovers photographs that reveal the identities of others the two have used and discarded. The professor and his wife have wielded the power of their bohemian lifestyle on the innocents of the college to suit their own purposes. Gillian responds with fury and gets her revenge.

Next up: Pippa Passes by Rumer Godden. I need a cold, clear glass of spring water after Beasts.


  1. Keep reading! You're doing GREAT!

  2. Beasts sounds intriguing. I know what you mean about needing to clear the decks, though.
    Happy reading! :)


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