Sunday, June 15, 2008

Rollyo (Thing 17)

A personalized search engine is now created at Rollyo for kids' books.

Google allows you to do much the same thing. I made one at Google for library lessons, but I never used it all last year. (I'm seeing a pattern with me...learn about the new with the new the new technologies...time passes and I forget the new technologies...Question: How can I keep these fresh in my mind and remember to try them out with kids??!)


  1. Debnance, I love your blog(s)! You must be busy, busy, busy! I'm curious about a title I saw on one of your booklists - Mammy? Can you elaborate? I love memoirs (Angela's Ashes, Glass Castle, etc., and I sense that Mammy is fiction (?) but along the same lines? I am currently reading Bastard Out of Carolina. Have you read it? By the way, your music selections are awesome! Is that one of the 23 things I have to look forward to or just something you know how to do?

  2. Thank you! :-)

    I saw the music while I was browsing around another person's blog. It isn't one of our 23 things, but you can certainly follow the link and create your own list!

    I loved Angela's Ashes and Glass Castle, too. The Mammy is fiction, but it sounds very, very true to life. It is a BookCrossing book and I'd be glad to send it to you if you think you'd like to try it.
    (Cautionary note: The book is funny, but the characters' talk is full of profanity and coarse humor.) If you are still interested, send your mailing info to me at debnance (at) gmail (dot) com and I'll mail it off to you!

  3. Profanity and coarse humor are among my favorites!

    I am headed over to Half-Price Books this afternoon and will look for The Mammy there, but if I do not find it I will certainly contact you!

    Thanks for your generous offer...


I love to hear your thoughts.