Monday, June 29, 2009

#5: Microblogging (aka Twitter and Facebook)

I've been at Facebook for several months. It was my cousin who got me started. She is older than I am (and that's OLD!) but she used Facebook and recommended it to me as a way we could stay in touch.

I joined Facebook reluctantly. At first, it was tough to find friends. The only friends I could find were my son's age. And it struck me as a little silly...."Would you be my friend?"

But now I've been using it a while and I've found it's an easy way to stay in touch with people I don't get to see as often as I would like to. I have relatives who are friends. I have book friends who are friends. I have fellow librarians who are friends. I have old friends who are friends.

I look at what others are doing and I see what others are reading and I post a little about myself and I post pictures and I see others' pictures.


My name at Facebook is Debbie Ashley Nance. I am always happy to have new friends.

Now, Twitter....Well, that's a different story. I signed up for Twitter a while back and I rarely look at it. I haven't really found that many people I am eager to follow at Twitter, I think.

My name at Twitter is debnance. Again, I would love to follow and be followed by those who are interested in libraries, books, reading, puppets, teaching, and technology.

1 comment:

  1. I was just deciding whether or not to join Twitter. I asked bloggers to give me their opinions about why they use it, what they like about it, etc.

    I've determined that it will probably suck me in and I should stay away! :))


I love to hear your thoughts.