Sunday, May 1, 2011

Is My Kid Stupid? and a Giveaway!

Photo by Ashtyn Renee

I've been an educator since 1977. 
I've been a parent since 1984. 
I've been a human being since 1956.

Despite all this time in the trenches,
I feel like I don't have a clue about what makes people tick.

So I valiantly continue to live in the world
and read about the world and try to figure people out.

If you are like me, you might like to try this book then.
It is called Is My Kid Stupid?

Here's a blurb from the publicist that tells about it:
Is My Kid Stupid? was written to fill a need for all parents of children who are struggling in school, or who have been diagnosed with learning disabilities. Is My Kid Stupid? addresses concerns like: • How to get a free private school education for your child • How to choose a practitioner for your child • How to choose the best advocate for your child, or how to advocate for your child yourself • Special education laws and how you can make the most of them • How to significantly lower the cost of college for your child   Is My Kid Stupid? also offers letter templates, and additional websites that may be helpful during your search.

I have read this book now.
I found it to be all that it describes itself to be.
I found it to have nice summaries of the
various learning disabilities children often manifest.
That was helpful.

Two annoyances: 

(1) The author warns against relying on this book for information,
and repeatedly asks parents to seek out professional advice. 
Somehow that goes against the idea of buying the book, doesn't it?

(2) The very title of the book is irritating.
I shared this book with the speech teacher at my school
and she immediately noticed that the title
 makes this a difficult book to recommend to parents. 
As a librarian or a counselor or even a classroom teacher,
would you really say to a parent,
"Hey, I've got a great book to help you with your child.
The book is called Is My Kid Stupid?!"

This week's reading:

 Tolstoy and the Purple Chair by Nina Sankovitch

Cognitive Surplus by Clay Shirky

 Migrant Mother: How a Photograph Defined the Great Depression by Don Nardo

Divergent by Veronica Roth

And now for the giveaway!
What if each month
I give away a book?

So, for my first giveaway,
how about Divergent?

Rules for the Readerbuzz Monthly Giveaway
are simple:
(1) You must
(2) You must live in the US.
(I apologize to those who live outside the US,
but mailing costs are now ridiculously expensive.)
(3) You must leave a comment here
that expresses your interest in this giveaway
and includes an e-mail address
 (posted in an elusive way to thwart the wicked).
(4) If you really, really want to win this book,
you are welcome to receive extra entries by:

Following me at Twitter
and leaving a comment +1 

Befriending me at Goodreads
and leaving a comment +1

Befriending me at Facebook
and leaving a comment +1

I will leave this giveaway open until May 31st.
Good luck!

Thank you to the publishers who
provided copies of Migrant Mother,
Tolstoy and the Purple Chair,
Is My Kid Stupid? and


  1. Very good point about the title and the ability to refer the book. Something to think about when you're thinking up book titles.

  2. Your second annoyance made me laugh. I was just picturing the look on that parent's face. Sort of a cross between anger and confusion with just a hint of is-this-guy-pulling-my-leg?.

    As someone who has been working on their master's in education, I could never see myself telling a parent to go read this book. As someone who works in a college library, I couldn't see myself suggesting it to a student doing a project on disabilities either. Can you imagine what a professor would say to a student who used this as a source in a research paper?

  3. Hmmm the title of the book really does make it a bit of a turn off doesn't it? Good topic to discuss though. I'm not yet a parent but I have friends who are. Making sure you kid without a disability gets the best education seems to be a fraught process so goodness only knows the battle that must confront parents with kids with disabilities. I take my hat off to these parents.

  4. Yes, I think that's a "stupid" title...LOL

    Seriously, though, you're right that it doesn't sound like a book you could recommend. Plus the annoying aspect of the author "avoiding" a responsibility to provide answers.

    Thanks for sharing.

    And thanks for stopping by my blog!

  5. I think you're right about the title. If my kids saw me reading it, they'll probably wonder which one of them I'm thinking about. Maybe the title will be changed in the next printing.

  6. The title Is My Kid Stupid? sounds more like a comedic or satirical book. Not a title I would want to recommend to a parent. Now about that giveaway: I'm feeling lucky right now-count me in for Divergent. That is a title I've been hearing a lot about. I think I already follow you on twitter (I'll double-check). Have a great Sunday.

  7. Thanks for the giveaway!

    captainsarahsparrow at hotmail dot com

  8. I agree that the title "Is My Kids Stupid" does sound like it's going to be a humorous book - certainly not a serious discourse about anything.
    I'd love to win a copy of Divergent!

  9. All of your reads are looking really interesting to me this week. You're right, Is My Kid Stupid is an awkward title. I would love to win Divergent. Here is my way to thwart the wicked with my email address: lorrenrichelle[@]gmail[.]com

  10. I follow you on twitter. lorrenrichelle[at]gmail[dot]com

  11. We are goodreads friends. lorrenrichelle[@]gmail[.]com

  12. I just saw what you're reading this month. I'm reading Tolstoy and Cognitive Surplus too!! I can't wait to read your thoughts on both. Debbie, did you pick a winner yet for your last contest? ;-) Keeping my fingers, toes, and arms crossed until you do!

  13. Thanks for the giveaway! I love dystopias and have heard really good things about Divergent, so I would love to win it!
    I agree with Vasilly - what would kids think if they saw their parents reading My Kid is Stupid?

    susanna dot pyatt at student dot rcsnc dot org

  14. Yes, I randomly chose a winner. Wish every person who tried could have won. So I've decided to start giving away a book every month. This month I'm giving away Divergent.

  15. I agree that is really a horrible title.
    Migrant Mother looks like one I would be interested in.

    Divergent on the other had I have heard nothing but wonderful things about. I'd love it.


  16. I follow you on twitter I'm frellathon


  17. Also friends on goodreads.


  18. I'll definitely check out Migrant Mother from the library. Don Nardo always does such a great job no matter what historical era he is researching.

  19. Seems like that book is one that people would pretend to be buying for someone else, lol.

    I am off to check out Migrant Mother book as well as Tolstoy and the Purple Chair -- had not heard about either of them, but have piqued my interest. Thanks!

  20. Wow, that really is an unfortunate title. I don't think I'd be comfortable recommending it to people (at least without an explanation)
    I have heard great things about Divergent. Thanks for hosting the giveaway!
    kathyreadsthis (at) gmail (dot) com

  21. It seems like the book is needed, but very difficult to recommend without causing offense. I would love to read Divergent! thanks for the chance! wilsondev(at)gmail(dot)com. have a lovely day!

  22. Thanks so much for hosting this giveaway! I've heard tons of awesome things about this book... some say its up there with The Hunger Games, i can't wait to get my hands on it! I follow via The Lovely Getaway, please enter me :)


    ps. that migrant mother book sounds moving, i'll have to check that out. Even if it is just for the picture... it speaks a thousand words!

  23. I was told about Divergent by another blogger yesterday and then read four other reviews of it, so I'd love to win a copy!

    I follow.
    I follow you on FB.
    I think I follow you on Goodreads and Twitter too.


  24. thanks for stopping by earlier!:D
    new follower here, and i would love to get my paws on my own copy(:

  25. I wholeheartedly agree that this book would be difficult to recommend based on the title and the "ask a professional". The author was probably trying to protect him/herself from any legal action that may result from following advice therein.

    I would love to win a copy of Divergent but I reside in Canada. Have you checked out media mail? You can mail books from the states at a reduced rate using this.

    Thanks for visiting today. I am a new follower.

  26. I would be horrified if a teacher recommended that book to me. The author/publisher didn't think long enough about that title choice. lol

    New follower (thanks for stopping by my blog!) and I'm off to follow on twitter, too. Please enter me for Divergent. :)


  27. I have been wanting to read Divergent so thanks for the giveaway. Also thanks for stoping by my blog today! I am now following you on your blog and also your twitter, goodreads, and facebook.

    goodreads- Stormi Johnson
    facebook-Stormi Johnson

    Have a great day,

  28. I've been wanting to read Divergent! Hope to win!
    mearley1979 at gmail dot com

  29. goodreads friend
    mearley1979 at gmail dot com

  30. fb friend
    mearley1979 at gmail dot com

  31. I totally agree, I have a son with alot of learning disabilities and I read up constantly on them. No matter how great the book was, with that title I would have refused to even pick it up. What was the author thinking?
    I would love to read divergent- it has been on my list for awhile now.
    I am a gfc follower.

  32. Not a good title! I wouldn't even pick that up.

    Consider me entered for Divergent.

  33. I heard Divergent was like the Hunger Games. Not sure if this is true, but I'd like to read it.

  34. Please enter me in the contest. Thanks for holding it!


  35. Hi, thanks for commenting on my blog! I'm a new follower. I have to agree, I do think that title is "stupid" and annoying!

    I would LOVE to win a copy of Divergent. My hands are itching to get a hold of a copy. I just followed you on twitter (I am @bookandlatte). You can reach me at bookandlatte [at] gmail [dot] com.

    Thanks for giving us a chance to win!!

  36. New follower. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  37. Hi, returning your blog hop visit. That book sounds very interesting. If it was UK based I'd probably buy it, think we're going to have some big decision to make when my little girl gets to school age and you need all the info you can get. The title doesn't seem to quite fit with the content to me.

  38. Looks like an interesting book. I've seen it several times on blogs, so I assume it must be fantastic. Can't wait to read it.

  39. I really can't wait to read Divergent! Thanks for the giveaway :)

    GFC follower
    Twitter follower (@krysalbe)
    friend on Goodreads


  40. I really can't wait to read Divergent! Thanks for the giveaway :)

    GFC follower
    Twitter follower (@krysalbe)
    friend on Goodreads


  41. I am desperate to read this book! It looks awesome! Thank you for the chance. :)


  42. I am twitter follower @LiederMadchen :)


  43. I just added you as a Goodreads friend under the name Natalie. :)


  44. Would love to win!

    falledream03 AT gmail DOT com

  45. As an elementary school librarian, I have to agree the title is horrible. But I do like the iconic photo of the migrant mother. I might have to check that one out. And - Divergent is on my to read list. If only I could just stay home and read all day.

    I follow you on twitter (I'm Bookworm307), Goodreads and Facebook.

    Happy Reading!

    Beverly aka Booklady - bevarcher (at) me (dot) com

  46. I would love to win Divergent as it's been on my wishlist since I saw the first review!

    I follow the blog through Google Reader.
    I follow on Twitter: I am Trish422
    I follow at GoodReads where I am Trisha Dandurand.
    I follow on Facebook where I am Trisha Dandurand.

  47. Yeah, the title is upsetting. I can't imagine carrying around a book with this title. I'd be so afraid my child would think that was what I thought.

    alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com

  48. GFC follower-Lisa Richards


    alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com

  49. FB follower-Lisa Ann Richards


    alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com

  50. I live in the US and want to enter this contest.


    alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com

  51. Befriended you on GoodReads-Lisa Richards


    alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com

  52. I would love to win Divergent. It looks really good. Thanks for the giveaway.
    GFC follower
    twitter follower @mbreakfield
    Goodreads Marlene
    requested friend on fb

  53. I really, really want to win Divergent!
    akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com
    I follow via GFC

  54. I follow via Twitter (@athomewithbooks)

  55. I'm your friend already on Goodreads.

  56. GFC follower. I love the idea of a monthly contest, I do that on my blog as well.

    booksnobsblog at gmail dot com

  57. I've heard a lot of hype about this book and I want to read all the maddness it has to bring =)
    GFC Follower: SpadesHighReads
    +1 Twitter: SpadesHigh
    +1 Goodreads: TValeros
    +1 Facebook: SpadesHigh Reads
    Thank you for hosting this giveaway and for participating in ArmchairBEA!! Nice to meet you!!

    SpadesHigh @
    TValeros18 @ gmail [dot] com

  58. Can't wait to read Veronica's book!

    Off to friend you on Goodreads.


  59. Great giveaway! Please enter me.

    Jenn (at) girlsjustreading (dot) com

  60. Awesome giveaway! I'm dying to read Divergent.

  61. I'm a twitter follower: @bittenbooks

  62. We are already friends on goodreads: Kaity

  63. I sent you a facebook friend request: Kaity Gatchell

  64. I love YA lit and the buzz about this book is so great that I just had to try to win a copy. My local library is low on funds and not well stocked on new YA. Thanks for the chance.

    +1 I follow on GFC

    waitmantwillie at hotmail dot com

  65. +1 I requested your friendship on Goodreads- I think I use my real name there (Shawnee).

  66. +1 I requested your friendship on Facebook. I know it's crazy but on that site I am Waitman Willie

    waitmantwillie at hotmail dot com

  67. I would love to win Divergent! Thanks for the chance! I follow as squiggles87.


  68. I follow you on twitter (@Squiggles87)


  69. I am a goodreads friend (Squiggles87)


  70. I would enter but sadly, I don't live in the US :(

  71. great giveaway
    follow via gfc

    the title doesnt sway me away at all

  72. Sounds like this is the must read of the summer!

    I follow!


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