Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Top Ten Jerks In Literature

10. Unbroken.
A plane crashed during WWII and
three men managed to get aboard a rubber raft,
with only a few chocolate bars and containers of water to keep them alive.
The first night on the raft, one of the three men ate all the chocolate bars himself.

9. Stanley in A Streetcar Named Desire

Drinks too much. Hits his wife. You know the type.

8. Six Military Guys in Zeitoun

Zeitoun, an immigrant to the US, is right there in the middle of the mess
left by Katrina. He is out every day, saving people caught in bad situations.
One day six military guys show up and cart him off to jail,
accusing him of being a terrorist.

7. Dad and Mom in The Glass Castle

They kept their kids out of school,
didn't take the kids to the doctor when the kids got sick,
drank, and used grocery money for themselves.

6. The Pritchard Boys in Where the Red Fern Grows

These boys are mean to everyone.
They are so mean that they even kick their own dogs.

5. Wang Lung in The Good Earth

His amazing but plain wife, O-lan,
sacrifices, working as a near-slave,
helping her husband Wang Lung to save to buy more and more land.
And how does he treat her in return?

Not very nice.

4. Gatsby in The Great Gatsby

Gatsby was not great in all the ways that matter.

3. Brother Leon in The Chocolate War

Brother Leon ruined my view of
Catholic priests as high school teachers.

2. David in No, David!

Do they come worse than David?
He steals cookies from the cookie jar,
talks with his mouth full,
and breaks his mother's favorite vase.

His only saving grace is
that he is only six years old
and he's sorry for being so bad.

1. Kevin in We Need to Talk About Kevin

Just thinking about Kevin
makes me shudder.

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This month's giveaway book is Divergent!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created here at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!

Each week we will post a new Top Ten list that one of our bloggers here at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join. All we ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND add your name to the Linky widget so that everyone can check out other bloggers lists! If you don't have a blog, just post your answers as a comment. Have fun with it! It's a fun way to get to know your fellow bloggers.


  1. Good list, quite a few new jerks on there for me, especially the top one! I'll have to check out a few of the books I haven't read yet

  2. I agree with you on all but David. He's not bad, he's just a boy. (David was one of our favorite characters when my boys were little. Well, he and Walter from No Jumping On The Bed). Great list.

  3. I've only read one of the books on your list (Streetcar), but I do agree that Stanley was one huge jerk.

  4. Totally agree on Gatsby, I never liked him and I really didn't like the book that much either.

  5. Kevin was definitely a piece of work. I think he goes way further than just being a jerk, although he enjoyed being that deliberately as well! He makes a disturbing #1

  6. I'm always astonished by your eclectic lists Debbie, and the amount of thought that appears to be behind them. Always fascinating.

  7. Great list...the first entry A plane crashed during WWII and
    three men managed to get aboard a rubber raft,
    with only a few chocolate bars and containers of water to keep them alive.
    The first night on the raft, one of the three men ate all the chocolate bars himself
    reminds me of the cook in The Life of Pi. *blood boiling*

  8. Stanley's such a huge jerk! Great great choice there, really wish I'd thought of him!

  9. I could not agree with you more about both Gatsby and Brother Leon. Both characters in their respective novels did not have many (if any) redeeming qualities about them. Excellent list, Deb. :)

  10. Wow! I don't know if I should run away from these books or go and check them all out!

  11. The cover of We Need to Talk About Kevin makes me shudder.

  12. Dad and Mom in the Glass Castle was a great choice. Now a days, I'm hoping child welfare would step in on a case like that.

    Stanley, was not only a jerk, but a creep and dirtbag!

  13. The parents from the glass castle definitely belong on there! great list! maybe we should do a 'top ten worst parents in lit' list too!
    p.s tried to click on your giveaway link.. it just goes to a bookcover. maybe its broken?

  14. You always have such a good list of books that remind me I need to read and put on my TBR pile. It also reminds me how un well-read I am.

  15. Ha, I love that you included David. That book is the first one my 5 year old read by herself, mostly because she had it memorized but still. He is kind of a brat isn't he?

    Rachel-Endless Reading

  16. There always a jerk whether it's in a book, the workplace or other social gathering.

  17. Do you know how much I LOVED Where the Red Fern Grows. I easily read that at least three times when I was younger. And you're right...the Pritchard boys...big jerks. I wish I would have thought of them! PS, thanks for the contest...I'm going to enter now!

  18. It is so awesome to see that Gatsby on your list. He is so often read as the good guy.

    Check out my list here.

  19. I agree with all your choices here - Hadn't heard about the event in Unbroken: Yeesh! Worse that he's a real jerk, and I agree with Birdie's comparison...

  20. yeah I know mine wasn't the right one, but i'm a bit of a rebel.

  21. Sadly, I've only read The Great Gatsby... but I do agree with why you picked this one!!

  22. What a diverse pile of books. I'm a new follower. I already have Divergent. It's just a matter of when I can get to read the book. MY TBR pile keeps on growing and growing.


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