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hosted by The Blue Bookcase.
First, let me introduce myself.
Bonjour! Enchanté! ¡Buenos días!
I am Debnance at Readerbuzz.
I love to read.
I'd love to visit your blog.
If you like, follow me and leave a comment and
I will hop over and follow you.
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Here's the prompt for this week from the Book Blogger Hop:
“Many of us primarily read one genre of books,
with others sprinkled in. If authors stopped writing that genre,
what genre would you start reading?
Or would you give up reading completely
if you couldn’t read that genre anymore?”
My reply:
I read a wide variety of genres,
including genres that I've created myself,
so I don't think I will run out of genres!
Here are some of my favorite genres:
creative nonfiction
travel narratives
children's picture books (both nonfiction and fiction)
literary fiction
books about happiness
books about spirituality and faith
books about education and learning
children's fiction
historical fiction
real, old-time science fiction
biographies of strong leaders
books about cooking
photography books
post-apocalypse books
short stories
women's fiction
animal stories
moving-and-starting-over books
biographies of writers
memoirs of regular people
adventure books
joke books
encyclopedias and dictionaries
Have I left anything out???
How about you? What are your favorite genres?
Photo from dok1
Now, the writing prompt from The Literary Blog Hop:
Must all literary writing be difficult?
Can you think of examples of literary writing
that are not difficult?
Must I bring out the ruler
and rap your knuckles again?
Yes, yes, yes!
All literary writing must be difficult!
How dare you even ask this question?!
We must make all children think that
literary books are onerous, laborious, and abstruse.
We must continue to require all children to read
behemothic books with limited appeal to them
and mandate that the children write palaverous essays
about this compulsory reading
that concur with our beliefs.
I'm ashamed of you for even voicing this question.
Go stand in the corner!
Off with your head!
And don't forget!
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